Kris Humphries’ Family Talks To Tabloids About Kim Kardashian Marriage: “It Was A Sham”

March 11, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian filed for divorce a year after meeting Kris Humphries.

She wanted her second divorce to be buried as quickly as the first. He wanted the marriage expunged from the annuls of history because it was a sham for a television show and his wife only married because she thought she should, it was another thing to monetize, and babies and everything else that come after are a great way to get attention. But it turns out not even Kim Kardashian will stay in a loveless marriage for $20 million, so she walked away.

It’s approaching two years later and there’s been negligible movement in the divorce. Except that he waited so long, now Humphries is easily painted as the bad guy who’s “stressing” a pregnant woman who blames him for the recent miscarriage scare.

But Humphries’ extended family is defending him, with his aunt and uncle calling Kardashian a fraud and calling Kris Jenner a puppet master.

In an interview with U.K’s The Sun, Humphries’ uncle Mike and aunt Dedria give their two cents.

“It was a sham,” Dedria said. “My understanding of marriage is people are going to give it more than 72 days unless there’s serious abuse. If I felt somebody had duped me and used me in front of the whole world, I would be very angry. An annulment says it wasn’t valid in the first place. She should admit that it was a sham at the very least.”

Mike says his nephew wants revenge, “I can just see him wanting a pound of flesh back. I believe he wants payback. [Kris Jenner] is the mastermind. You can just see that’s the brains making that thing go. The wicked part is she’s using her family to make that thing. All of it’s really due to her.”

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