Report: Kris Humphries Could Sue E! For More K&KTNY Money
December 16, 2011 by Hollywoodite
This comes from the creative fiction department of Star, who appear to be opining and supposing while smearing Kris Humphries again. This time, it’s alleged that he’s suing E! over Kourtney & Kim Take New York. There was a denial of a similar story, already. However, that hasn’t stopped the magazine claiming Humphries is being greedy in a cash-grab (it’s a double-whammy, claiming he’s greedy because he’s broke).
According to a production insider, Kris [Humphries] wants his $28,500 per episode salary doubled to $50,000 and will retaliate by suing [E!] if they don’t adhere to his demands.
“Kris is freaking out about his finances, even though the NBA lockout has ended,” [an] insider revealed. ”After all, it’s his storyline that is making the show a success this season!”
As first reported, Kim maintains a lot of editorial control over Kourtney & Kim Take New York and after filing for divorce, made sure the new season of the hit show would portray her as the “victim” and Kris as the “lazy and insensitive” villain. Star magazine’s insider points to those editorial decisions as Kris’ backing for a multi-million dollar lawsuit, citing emotional distress he has suffered because of how poorly the show has made him look.
“He was nothing more than a disposable groom, used for ratings,” the source said. ”He feels he deserves some type of compensation.” – via RadarOnline.
Not going to happen, a lawsuit that is. This is part of a longer campaign to smear Humphries and feed into other reports he only married Kim Kardashian for her money (that said, good on RadarOnline for going against its sister publication and pointing out the family’s manipulative editing of the marriage breakdown).
No papers have been filed and since any imagined threats to sue are the work of the tabloids, it’s unlikely this will come to fruition.
Humphries was hardly broke when they met; earning some $2-3 million per-year, independent of the family. And he probably only got a cut of the wedding special ad revenue, or whatever, since most of the shilling was done by pimp momager. Nah, don’t see this happening at all. He’s just not that thirsty or poor.