Kris Jenner Sent Gifts To NYP Journalist Reviewing Her Show But Denies It Was A Bribe

Kris Jenner’s talk show premiere has come and gone and the only “guest” about whom anyone is talking is the baby Jenner pretended was her newborn granddaughter, North West, when it was really just her stylist’s baby.

The show is not noteworthy and it seems to have run out of steam after only one episode. As such, the reviews aren’t great and the New York Post, for example, gave unflattering reviews.

One review from the New York Post’s columnist Linda Stassi said Jenner had as much right hosting a show as her “talentless daughter had for hosting a talent show” and that Jenner came across as a “demented Norma Desmond.”

In response, Jenner sent what Stassi called “bribes” including a sterling silver Tiffany pen worth $325 and one dozen Magnolia’s cupcakes (costing about $50).

Stassi was not pleased at the suggestion she could be bought, however, and produced a follow-up column.

On Tuesday, I wrote a review of “Kris,” a horrible new talk show by the mother of all self-promoters, Kris Jenner.

A few hours later, a messenger arrived at The Post bearing a dozen Magnolia cupcakes (see the need for Spanx, above) and one $325 sterling silver Tiffany pen. With a note.

At first I thought maybe a grateful reader wanted to reward me for saying that Kris came across like a demented Norma Desmond, or that she had as much right to have a talk show as her talentless daughter had for hosting a talent show.

But nooo.

It was from Norma herself — Kris Jenner — who somehow thought it would be a great idea to send a journalist a hugely expensive pen with a note saying that I could use it to write her a better review next time.

And you thought the fake wedding was bad form.

I was concerned. Had Jenner’s publicist fallen into a debilitating coma and wasn’t able to tell her that reporters aren’t allowed to accept bribes — and that, in real life, people don’t get expensive free stuff for media whoring? Well, not all the time, anyway.

So, Kris, let’s get something straight right here, right now. I cannot be bought — for a pen. A pen and pencil set, maybe — but just a pen?

To improve your rating, Mrs. Kardashian-Jenner, either you somehow become interesting, which given the data seems as likely as the pope turning Jewish, or you do better with the bribes. – via the New York Post.

A source close to Jenner denies trying to buy a good review, though, saying: “Kris jenner isn’t stupid … She doesn’t need to bribe anyone.”

Adding, “She sent it as a joke and clearly Linda can’t take a joke. Kris sees things positively and when people send negative energy her way she responds with positivity and humour.”

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