Kris Jenner Good Morning America Interview About Khloe Kardashian – VIDEO

January 12, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Kris Jenner went on Good Morning America today, to address this week’s Star Magazine cover story about Khloe Kardashian’s paternity.

Honestly, Jenner spends too much damn time on GMA for someone with so little to say. Also this has been covered already, since her daughters have publicly denied the rumours.

In large part though, the story’s Jenner’s own fault. She admitted one affair just to shill her book. Who even does that with so much to lose? She didn’t care about her ex-husband’s feelings, she cheated. She didn’t care about protecting her kids from a scandal, she told. She didn’t care who knew, because there was money to be made. Now the rumours SHE started are out of control and she’s butthurt.

Jenner denies every part of Star’s story, using the following generalities in her interview: “It just gets weirder and weirder, I have never heard such crap in my life. I mean, I was there! I gave birth, I know who the dad was,” she says, neglecting to name said father. “Everything’s good. We’re all good, don’t worry about it [although Khloe’s look/ paternity is a] family joke.”

Sidenote: points to court papers filed when Robert Kardashian sought an annulment from his second-wife, Jan Ashley, claiming she wanted kids with him but he was set with his existing four. The papers say in a sworn declaration: “I decided that since I already had four biological children, I did not wish to have any more.” Honestly, this declaration prove nothing. He may have blithely accepted Khloe as his own. Or he may have just lied.

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