Kris Jenner Interview On GMA: “We’re Famous Because We Have Four TV Shows”

July 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kris Jenner gave an interview on Good Morning America and shared the listicle of reasons her family is famous. Rather than just admit she’s the familial madam, Jenner told GMA that they’re famous because of their television shows. That would be true, were Kim Kardashian’s tape not “leaked” by someone called Kim Kardashian right before the first 2007 airing of Keeping Up With The Kardashians because Paris Hilton did it first, successfully, with The Simple Life.

“We’re not actors, we’re not singers, we don’t have musical talent, I can’t dance to save my life. Some people will say, ‘you’re famous for being famous.’ And I say, well, no we’re not: we’re famous because we have four television shows.”

That quote exudes equal parts delusion and denial, right? Jenner and her kids are famous because one of them got urinated on for profit. The family then monetized their vapidity, because, according to an interview Jenner gave to The Hollywood Reporter, “My job was trying to take my kids’ 15 minutes and turn it into 30… All I knew was that I had to make lemonade out of these lemons fast. Real fast.”

** UPDATE: Jenner was on GMA November 3 talking about her book and the divorce scandal.


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