Report: Did Kris Jenner Insist Khloe Kardashian Divorce “No Good Loser” Lamar Odom?

May 7, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom had perhaps a one-year grace period after getting married until everyone started betting on their failure. Aside from fabricated pregnancy stories, which were eventually made lies by Kardashian’s honestly about her infertility, the only other thing the tabloids had to pick on were fabricated cheating stories.

Specifically, the supposed eyewitness accounts that boiled down to Odom standing next to women in clubs or visiting strip clubs (neither or which constitutes cheating). And when they ran out of pregnancy false alarms and cheating scandals, the tabloids turned to “DIVORCE!!!” headlines. Just as repetitive, just as convoluted, and just as untrue.

This week, National Enquirer has a bizarre story about Kris Jenner putting the family bottom line ahead of her daughter’s happiness by demanding she get a divorce. Nothing new there, according to the same tabloids, because the only sister whose happiness matters is the admitted favourite… Kim.

In short, Enquirer claims Jenner is pressuring a divorce (like she pressures her kids to marry and have their own kids because it’s how she makes money) because the negative headlines are bad for business.

“DIVORCE Lamar now…Get rid of that no-good loser!”

That’s the ex­plosive demand sources say Kris Jenner made to daughter Khloe Kardashian – insisting she immediately end her 3 1/2-year marriage to Lamar Odom.

Now sources say that the 28-year-old reality star is plan­ning to slam-dunk the pro basketball player, fearing he’s destroying her career and hap­piness.

“Khloe’s ready to pull the plug on her marriage to Lamar,” revealed an insider. “Kris has given her the names of a few high-powered Beverly Hills di­vorce lawyers and told her to start socking away her money.”

Khloe already seems to be preparing for the single life. She’s dropped 25 pounds and has been rumored to be roman­tically linked with hard-bodied rapper The Game. And she was off in Greece instead of staying home to cheer on Lamar in the NBA playoffs.

Insiders confide she is desper­ate to escape a dead-end union that has been filled with heart­break and disappointment.

“She’s an emotional wreck over their failed attempts to con­ceive a child, and her self-esteem has been shat­tered by rumors that Lamar is cheating on her,” said the source.

Lamar’s hard partying, excessive boozing and rov­ing eye became a major issue for the couple. He report­edly guzzled vodka and has flirted up a storm with beautiful women at Greystone Manor nightclub in Los Angeles, where he became a regular Sunday night patron. He’s also alleg­edly taken women back to hotel rooms when he’s on the road.

The final blow to the union came after Lamar, 33, was embroiled in a widely re­ported scandal involving his cancer charity, Cathy’s Kids, which has allegedly given no money to cancer-related causes. When Khloe was subsequently canned as host of “The X Factor,” the source says she felt the charity scandal con­tributed to her getting the boot.

Making matters worse, the source adds, Lamar called Khloe’s firing “a blessing in disguise.”

“He said her place as his wife is at home doing every­thing in her power to get pregnant. When Khloe went to her mom cry­ing about Lamar’s insensitivity, that’s when Kris told her to divorce him.

“She blasted Lamar, telling Khloe, ‘You can’t have a baby if you’re mar­ried to one!’”

The ENQUIRER revealed last October that the couple was headed for a marital crisis after Khloe took the “X Factor” gig. La­mar accused her of going back on her promise to dedicate a year to starting a family.

APPARENTLY, IT WASN’T ENOUGH that she put the planned third season of their reality show “Khloe & La­mar” on hold to undergo grueling in vitro fertilization treatments in a bid to conceive.

“Now, Khloe finally wants to cut ties with Lamar and get on with her life,” said the source. “The official divorce filing is a matter of when – not if.” – via National Enquirer.

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