Kris Jenner: Yes, Khloe Kardashian Will Take Another DNA Test

Kris Jenner gave Matt Lauer an interview for the Today Show May 16, this time promoting the season seven premiere of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

Jenner confirms what the audience already learned watching the teaser following the Khloe & Lamar finale: yes, Khloe Kardashian will take another DNA test.

“We did it to put her mind to rest,” insisted Jenner. However, sources conflict on whom else in the family is taking the test and whether it’s to establish paternity, by comparing siblings, or it’s another bogus maternity test that will fail to establish whether the 27-year-old is really the biological daughter of Robert Kardashian Sr. or the product of Jenner’s extramarital affair(s).

But there’s a test, at least one, of some sort; it remains to be seen what, with whom, and how effective.

Asked by Lauer, “Khloe’s father is … ?” Jenner insisted the whole scandal is “ridiculous,” because the father is “Robert Kardashian. No doubt about it.” Even though logic dictates Jenner cannot be sure.

The matriarch admitted having one affair, within 18-months of conception, and, although the dates are off slightly, Jenner probably had more than just the affair to which she copped in her memoir, Kris Jenner and All Things Kardashian.

In the book, the 56-year-old admits cheating on her late husband and shamelessly flaunting her subsequent marriage to Bruce Jenner (the latter of which, the late lawyer confirmed in his divorce papers).

Possible biological fathers include: Rob Kardashian Sr., Jenner’s hairdresser Alex Roldan, O.J. Simpson, the guy who claims to be the subject of the memoir Todd Waterman, or the random pool boy everyone keeps mentioning.

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