Kris Jenner Calls Off Contrived “Meeting” With Todd Waterman

June 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Kris Jenner is intent on protracting coverage of this affair. Interest in the paternity scandal and interest in the cheating scandal would have, indubitably, diminished by now if the family didn’t contrive new angles every few episodes.

For reasons one can conjecture are solely monetary, Jenner informs the audience how she brought lover Todd Waterman into her marital home often enough that Khloe Kardashian has childhood memories of activities with him. And Kourtney Kardashian knew about the affair, and the 32-year-old still appears to be nursing her own relationship issues decades later.

Reminding us that Jenner loves herself, and money, more than she loves her children, the beginning of Keeping Up With The Kardashians season seven episode six, entitled The Dominican Republic, continues from the contrived ending for episode five, Man In the Memoir.

In the previous episode, we were introduced to Waterman. We were led to believe that Waterman and Jenner arranged a meeting to which she sneaked behind her family’s back. Except, at the start of episode six, Jenner turns around and returns home because producers probably only filmed the one scene with Waterman. And, honestly, he quite possibly had no knowledge of further scripted scenes about their “meeting” or being stood up. It’s hard to tell, with the way the show is staged.

In any case, obviously, there’s a fake epiphany how cheating might be bad so Jenner returns home telling her assistant: “I’m a little rattled, I was supposed to go and meet Todd just now. I couldn’t do it. I just left, I just turned around and got into my car and drove away. Bruce doesn’t even know that I’m gonna meet him today. I’m feeling really, really guilty about that.”

Jenner continues on voiceover: “This just doesn’t feel right. It feels like I’m sneaking around. And maybe the healthiest thing for me to do is just not see Todd. So, I’m going to go home. I really have to pick the right time to tell Bruce about this. I have to get it all straight in my head first  so I feel comfortable with what’s going on here.”

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