In Its Third Week, ITW Claims To Reveal Kris Jenner’s Psychological Evaluation

February 6, 2013 by Hollywoodite

This is becoming quite the soap opera with Robert Kardashian, Sr.’s widow claiming to have sold the authentic journals of the late lawyer that supposedly reveal Kris Jenner’s physically abusive, aloof, and often neglectful behaviour towards the kids she allegedly never wanted in the first place.

Ellen Kardashian is the same woman who claimed in last year’s Star Magazine that Jenner’s affairs meant Jenner’s first husband was almost certainly not the father of Khloe Kardashian, and now Ellen’s allegations are covering In Touch Weekly for a third week.

This time, the tabloid claims to be publishing Jenner’s psych eval. conducted around the time of the divorce (which isn’t wildly unbelievable because records published in Star already revealed that Jenner bankrolled her affairs with her first husband’s money and cheated in front of their kids).

The cover says: “The Psychiatrist Tells All. The devastating professional assessment that branded her a selfish and manipulative ‘narcissist.’ Inside the twisted mind of Kris Jenner.”

Excerpts highlighted by ITW include: “Kristen was found to have histrionic and narcissistic traits… Kristen appears to have less need for others’ approval but a greater need that her sense of special-ness be mirrored… [Her] personality profile is associated with women who are immature, impulsive, high risk takers… [She] may occasionally show bad judgement, and that she needs to be somewhat selfish, pleasure-oriented, narcissistic and manipulative.” And here’s the story.

It’s the psychological evaluation that Kris Jenner never wanted the world to see.

In Touch has exclusively obtained the results of a psychological evaluation during the time of Kris’ divorce from the late Robert Kardashian.

In the six-page report, detailed in the new issue of In Touch… Kris is described as “demanding,” “manipulative,” and having “a Cinderella attitude where situations resulted in everyone living ‘happily ever after.’” Perhaps the most telling part of the evaluation is its description of Kris as “narcissistic… [with] a marked elevation of the narcissistic scale.”

In Touch previously revealed the late Robert Kardashian’s handwritten diary entries from 1989 and 1990, describing his cheating wife Kris as an absentee and abusive mother toward the end of their marriage. The evaluation, an official court document, supports many of Robert Kardashian’s angry diary allegations.

The late lawyer shared with a psychiatrist his notes on Kris’ behavior from 1989 to 1990. He detailed everything from the nights his wife didn’t come home to the times when she screamed at and hit Kourtney and Kim. On March 20, 1990, he wrote, “Kourtney started crying … She was sad because Mommy wasn’t home at all. Kourtney wanted her to cook dinner for them. How sad that a child has to beg her mother to cook her dinner and be home with her.”

According to the psych report, which also describes Robert as “impulsive when overwhelmed,” Kris believed she was a loving mother to her children. But it notes that “her sense of self is based much more on fantasy than realistic considerations.” Robert also claimed that Kris was “reckless and non-motherly.”

Robert’s widow, Ellen Kardashian, says her husband worried about what would happen to his kids when he wasn’t around anymore. Robert, who died of esophageal cancer in 2003, “knew exactly what was going to happen the second he was gone. He was very sad about that,” she tells In Touch. “He knew that with Kris, everything’s about money.” – via In Touch Weekly Magazine.

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