VIDEO Kris Jenner Reacts To President Obama’s Comments Regarding Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

August 12, 2013 by Lindsay Cronin

Kris Jenner’s new talk show Kris is currently airing in select markets nationwide but at the rate she’s going, it will soon air nationwide. In addition to having an impressive guest list which has included the likes of P. Diddy, Ryan Seacrest, NeNe Leakes, and her daughter Khloe Kardashian, Jenner has addressed several hot topics on the show. Most recently, she made the bold move of taking on the President himself after he took aim at her daughter Kim Kardashian and boyfriend Kanye West.

In a recent interview, President Barack Obama discussed the current idea of the “American Dream” and how people like Kardashian and West have negatively impacted today’s generation.

“I do think what’s shifted is a notion that the wealthier you are, the more conspicuous consumption you engage in. The more successful you are, the more society should stay out of your way as you pursue the bigger house or the fancier jet or the bigger yacht,” Obama said. ”Were there things that all of us might have liked to have? Sure. But partly, I think, there also has been a shift in culture. We weren’t exposed to things we didn’t have in the same way kids these days are. There was not that window into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Kids weren’t monitoring every day what Kim Kardashian was wearing, or where Kanye West was going on vacation, and thinking that somehow that was the mark of success.”

Feeling as if Obama was blaming her daughter and West for influencing a generation of youngsters to be obsessed with wealth and celebrity, Jenner used her talk show as a platform to fight back. During Friday’s episode which featured E! host Terrence Jenkins as co-host, the 57-year-old mommy of six took on the President and his recent allegations.

“I wasn’t aware that you could only set the bar so high and that we could only dream so big,” Jenner stated. “I was taught: Dream big, work hard and you could have whatever you wanted. I bet the president has some friends with 10,000-square-foot houses.”

According to Jenner, it was “kind of remarkable in and of itself” that Obama even mentioned the couple. ”I find it so odd that he’s picking on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. Well, Kanye West, first of all, doesn’t go on vacation. Ever,” Jenner said. “And Kim Kardashian is the hardest-working young lady in the world. She never sleeps, she never stops, she never slows down and works so hard for what she’s got [Kardashian]‘s job affords her to live in a 10,000-square-foot house. And I think, if I’m not mistaken, that Mr. President’s job affords him to live in a 55,000-square-foot house. So basically my house would fit in his entry.”

In closing, Jenner said, “I just don’t think it’s such a bad thing to want to be our best and do our best and have nice things.”

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