Kristen Stewart Covers Elle UK Magazine June 2012 Promoting SWATH

Kristen Stewart covers Elle UK Magazine taking up the rear of the promotional trail for which co-star Charlize Theron has been doing the heavy-lifting for some weeks now.

Snow White & The Huntsman is the Snow White movie in which the titular character is Joan of Arc; biting her lip through her feelings, and spending the film trying not to get killed for being prettier than Theron. Which, depending on how much you favour Stewart, it’s possibly a laughable premise. Considering the Twilight actress is emo boilerplate, derided as such by Vanity Fair Magazine who called it “affected emo shtick.” Whereas Theron is painted as the next Grace Kelly.

In any case, the women get along. With Theron compelled to participate in a tacky birthday video, along with the other SWATH stars, a few weeks ago. And Theron’s been drinking the Kool-Aid, telling Access Hollywood: “I really, I really, really love that girl. I love that girl, like, I would jump off a building for that girl. She’s amazing, she’s amazing. She’s the real deal… [and] she gives really good back rubs. [Kristen] is the kind of actor that I like to be around because there’s nothing she’d really stop at in order to do the job. She’s got a tremendous amount of talent and, you know, I think you can have talent, but if you don’t have tenacity and moxy… She’s bad ass.”

Included are Stewart’s interview and her off-type photo shoot (Zooey Deschanel needs more of those).

Kristen on loving her job: “I f**king love everything about [acting]. I love movies, I love what they do. I am just so fuelled by it like nothing else in my life.”

On Snow White and the Huntsman: “It’s a war movie and an identity crisis movie. Basically, she goes to jail when she’s seven and gets out when she’s 18. She’s so stunted that she’s essentially a child, even though she’s already a woman. When she comes out she’s got to save people, but she hasn’t experienced anything like they have. She’s very isolated. She has all these feelings and doesn’t really know why yet, and I can relate to that.”

On being a role model: “I don’t apply it to the choices I make. I feel like a role model is not necessarily somebody you want to imitate, just someone you admire. I look at characters I play and think, ‘F**k, I would like to be like that.’ [Like Joan Jett], exactly. It makes sense to me why other don’t just look at that person, they look at me. Anyone who happens to choose to look up to me, it’s like, ‘But I’m literally YOU. I’m looking up to the characters you’re admiring me for choosing.’”

On being bullied at school: “It’s weird, at school I was torn apart for not wearing a certain brand of jeans. It nearly killed me. I was so embarrassed and so insecure, but I knew I could never put them on. I would look ridiculous.”

On the earlier comment that her teachers “failed” her: Her clear eyes roll. “When I said they literally failed me, I meant that they literally failed me. As in, I got Fs!”

On growing hardened to criticism: “You grow calluses. I don’t say ‘I’m not magnetic’ to try and sound self-deprecating. I’m just not. I’m pretty good at…” Repelling people? “yeah. Though I actually love people. I would like to meet more people. I know no one.”

On her personal fashion: Her natural style is “not experimental,” she admits, “I just wear very functional clothes. When I’m in London I feel so dressed down and young and Californian. Even if I try to look nice when I go out for dinner, I just don’t have a thing. I will always wear no socks and be like, ‘F**k, it’s freezing, what am I doing?” – via Elle UK Magazine.


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