Us Weekly Kristen Stewart Cheating Photos: Kristen Stewart Kissing Rupert Sanders

July 25, 2012 by Hollywoodite

It’s alleged on the cover of Us Weekly Magazine that Kristen Stewart cheated on boyfriend Robert Pattinson with older, married Snow White & The Huntsman movie director Rupert Sanders. It’s alleged that Stewart, 22, and Sanders, 41, had a “fling” rather than a protracted love affair. And it happened “recently,” not during SWATH production according to sources who rushed to concur with Us Weekly (Us, People, and Gossip Cop sources all claim Stewart cheated and sources for the latter two read as though planted by her publicist since the “source” statements just repeat how sorry she is for the “mistake”).

There’s a lot of scrutiny about this week’s cover. Not least because one or two Twilight fans is pasting the same conspiracy theories in every comment thread asking “Where is Kristen Stewart’s ear on the cover [inset] if the photo is real?” (um, behind her hair where it always is). Moreover, some naysayers are alleging the photo on the cover is fake, specifically Photoshop. Probably because they’re yet to see more photos from inside the issue.

For the record, all of Us Weekly’s exclusive photos are probably real. And all the photos are probably of Stewart. That’s including the cover photo that early detractors dismissed as an awkward angle of Sanders’ wife Liberty Ross. It’s not Ross on the cover. And, no, Ross did not phone B105 Brisbane radio station in Australia about the scandal. @B105Brisbane on Twitter said “No one called Liberty Ross has been on our station today.” The fans asking about Stewart’s ear were the same fans lying about the radio interview; they’re just trying to deflect guilt from Stewart.

Speaking of Ross, shortly before the @RossLiberty Twitter account believed to be hers was deleted she re-tweeted a few affirmations then tweeted the word “WOW.” You can read the tweets/ re-tweets along with a photo Ross purported shared of a sullied Disney’s Snow White with the caption “Not so pretty or so pure after all…”

The scans of Us Weekly have since leaked to Tumblr and Lockerz so they’re also included. The scanned photos clearly show the woman on the magazine cover is Stewart and, no, they’re not Photoshopped. Most incriminating is a larger photo of Stewart and Sanders hugging as he kisses her shoulder, and photos of them sitting in a car kissing where, from the angle, Sanders looks to be kissing Stewart’s breast (the Us scans may not be in order of print, sorry).


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