Kyle Richards Endorses Cheating On Your Spouse: “You Get A Free Pass”

January 4, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Kyle Richards co-signs cheating within marriage so long as you only do it once. Because risking pregnancy/ STIs with a third-party and lying to your partner is obviously okay if one only does so once. Ick.

Richards, aunt of also morally-bankrupt Paris Hilton, is currently promoting her book. In the self-help book, Richards says cheating is fine and she once helped some random slore friend who’d f**ked around on her husband get away with cheating and risking her marriage.

Asked what she meant by: “If you cheat on your spouse once do not tell. You get a free pass…” Richards replied: “I [knew] I was going to get some heat for that… Listen, if this really was a one time mistake, and you did not put this person in jeopardy, I personally think you should deal with it with yourself and with God and not go and say: ‘Honey look what I did,’ because I knew that this would ruin their relationship and their life. So I said: ‘It did not happen.’ And I can tell you that many, many, many years later they’re happy and together and she did make that mistake and she has to carry that and live with that…”

Okay, a few things, the marriage isn’t happy years later; the dude’s with a lying, cheating wife who doesn’t really deserve that trust after lying down with another man. The unnamed woman slept with someone else, hid it, and in withholding information is manipulating her husband into staying.

Personally, a relationship is over the second someone cheats, not when they’re caught. The trust is dead and buried.

Moreover, since one gathers some people’s low self-esteem is impervious to being cheated on, it’s not up to the cheater to decide that withholding information is for the best (it’s an asinine, cowards argument that it’ll only hurt the person to come clean… you didn’t care when you slept with someone else, don’t pretend to be concerned about their feelings now). The cheater already hurt the relationship/ person by stepping out; they already took the relationship out back and shot it. Pretending they’re still in love, or whatever, is crummy and it’s obviously not a mistake to willingly have extra-marital sex. The cheater took the risk and didn’t care. Buyer’s remorse or fear of getting caught doesn’t make it a mistake. They had their fun and got away with it; they’re not hurt, they’re just guilty. They should tell their spouse, who should be able to decide whether they want a cheating partner… who wants to be a in relationship with a liar who’s withholding something that big? Is people’s esteem really that low this is okay? Does telling themselves it was once-off help them sleep at night? Should cheaters have that much control?

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