Lebanon Levi’s Mug Shot & Arrest Record As Shown On Amish Mafia; What Is His Real Name?
December 13, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Amish Mafia made its debut this week after much consternation about its lack of veracity and admitted staging of scenes/ use of reenactments. The show is called “Amish Mafia,” yet openly admits in its credits that it knows not whether such a group exists and it’s based on hearsay.
And then there’s the show’s star, who’s going by Lebanon Levi although the “Arrest Record” early in the show redacts his surname and middle name leaving only “Levi” so who knows whether it’s his real name (shown at 1:07).
For what it’s worth, the VERY poorly-redacted name shown onscreen in the first few minutes of season one episode one looks like “Levi [Middle name that could start with an “K” or a “I” and ends in a “G”] Stoltzfus”. So, Levi Stoltzfus may be his real name (incidentally, remember Kate “Katie” Stoltzfus from Breaking Amish has the same surname… it seems to be a common name in the area).
A quick search of this name reveals little in the way of verifiable convictions. The closest to legal documents matching the given dates is about “Levi K. Stoltzfus of Lancaster, Pennsylvania November 7, 2007″ (“Lebanon Levi’s” supposed arrest record notes legal issues near the same date) pertaining to land rights that may or may not be the same guy. Here’s the PDF of those records.
In what is, honestly, probably a fake “arrest record” and what could be a fake/ posed mug shot produced by Discovery for the show (this wouldn’t be hard to fake), Amish Mafia appears to reveal details of arrests in 2003, 2007, and 2009, that may or may not have happened as described on the show. Here’s the alleged mug shot of indeterminate date. Although it looks recent, based on how he appears on the show.
Here it is, purportedly from the Lancaster County Police Department. File date, “11/11/2009″; Race, White Caucasian (non-Hispanic); Disposition, Guilty plea; District, Lancaster, PA; File date, 11/ 20/ 2007; ” etc. etc..