Levi Johnston Wants Full Custody Of Son After Watching Bristol Palin’s Reality Show
Levi Johnston wants full custody of his son after watching the child’s behaviour on Bristol Palin’s reality show.
Johnston says he is ”disgusted” that there is “no real parenting” on Bristol Palin: Life’s A Tripp (so named after their toddler son who was conceived during a drunken camping trip after which Palin admitted she only kept the baby because of pressure from her parents).
Johnston, who is in child support arrears and rarely sees his son, believes Palin is a “terrible” parent after she admitted on the show ”I’m doing a terrible job disciplining Tripp” for letting the child curse, misbehave, and act out without consequence in what Johnston believes is a “downward spiral” in the child’s behaviour.
After calling TMZ.com himself and posing outside the Wasilla, Alaska courthouse for an exclusive photo, Johnston postured further by telling the website his son ”deserves a better family,” adding, “I love my son more than anything and I will do whatever it takes to make sure he is raised the right way.”