Liberty Ross Probably Tipped Off Us Weekly About Rupert Sanders & Kristen Stewart Affair

October 17, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Soon after Kristen Stewart was caught in a tawdry affair with a married director, details leaked about how Us Weekly landed the story of the summer.

In short, Us Weekly got a tip and had a paparazzo follow Stewart around Los Angeles as she got eaten out in public without a care in the world. That was early July. In late July, preparing to release the story, Us Weekly phoned Stewart late Sunday/ early Monday, forewarning her, and giving her a chance to warn Robert Pattinson, the cuckold, and get everything in order before the story hit later that day. The story broke, and she and Sanders released statements moments apart admitting their glorified casting couch experience to the disdain of Twilight fans who are now pretty pleased Stewart left Pattinson to deal with the scandal during the Cosmopolis press tour while she hid and basically got away with cheating unscathed (as did Rupert Sanders who’s got several high-profile projects lined up). And, of course, Pattinson’s taken Stewart back to be cheated on another day (different strokes).

Today, Hollywood Life is conjecturing about WHOM it was that tipped off Us Weekly’s editors in the first place: Liberty Ross.

Liberty Ross was disgusted to find out that her husband Rupert Sanders was cheating on her with Kristen Stewart, but now new details are coming out about how she potentially shamed her husband in public once she found out.

Liberty, 34, may have used a friend to catch Rupert, 41, and Kristen, 22, in the act, learned exclusively from a source close to the situation.

“Liberty had her friend tip off the photo agency that Rupert was having an affair with Kristen,” our source said. “Liberty wanted Rupert to get caught in the act so he would be humiliated. Liberty told a friend in London that she heard rumors that her husband was having an affair with Kristen. She knew her friend was going to leak the info to a photo agency. Liberty wanted Rupert and Kristen to be caught in public because she wanted him to be humiliated.” – via Hollywood Life.

In related news, National Enquirer says that, after forcing them together, Summit “isn’t taking any chances” that Pattinson and Stewart will break-up or fight during the press tour for the final Twilight movie. The couple will be billeted in separate rooms at the studio’s behest (with Stewart literally in a separate hotel from the rest of the cast at times).

“Despite getting back together, Robert and Kristen will have separate hotel rooms booked for them on the upcoming promotional tour for Breaking Dawn: Part 2. Summit Entertainment isn’t taking any chances that the couple will have problems again and be forced to scramble at the last minute to book one of them a posh hotel suite,” a source told

“In fact, in several cities, rooms have been booked for Kristen at a separate hotel from the rest of the A-list cast. Rob and Kristen are always professional, but the fact is she cheated on him, and this media tour needs to go off without a hitch.”

“Summit wants the final installment of the Twilight franchise to go off without a hitch, in order to prime the movie to break box office records,” the insider adds.

[Robert] and [Kristen] are legally required to promote the final installment of Breaking Dawn: Part 2, together, and if their “reconciliation” doesn’t last the actors will be stuck with each other on the international press junket.

“Rob and Kristen are legally required to promote Breaking Dawn: Part 2 together along with the rest of the cast. Their individual contracts have very specific language about what is legally required of Rob and Kristen to do on the publicity tour. The studio execs at Summit weren’t happy when Rob and Kristen broke up, but this is why there are clauses about what is required of the stars to do. The promotional tours of the past Twilight movies are very much anticipated by the fans and almost becomes bigger than the movie,” an insider [said]. – via National Enquirer.

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