Life & Style Magazine Cover: The Kim Kardashian Media Backlash

November 9, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Kim Kardashian covers three of the major tabloids this week: Life & Style, ITW and Star Magazine.

L&S report: “Kim’s Plan Backfires.” Their cover is about how the 31-year-old faked her marriage and divorce, causing a media backlash. Pretty much, L&S is just saying what everyone else is thinking. The glorified pr0n star married for attention/ on a whim/ for money and she’s headed for her SECOND divorce because there was money in a break-up. She has been tedious, phony, and playing reconciliation theater to save her family’s television shows ( adds that there’ll be no reconcilliation and the divorce is 100% go).

This cover doesn’t really drag the other sisters into this too much. But then, the entire family was on speed dial through 2010 at which time Kourtney Kardashian was paid six-figures for an exclusive L&S baby reveal (the mother later slammed OK! for Photoshopping and fabricating a competing cover).

Also in the issue, newly-single and depressed Kim Kardashian is reportedly telling friends of the PR storm “I can’t believe everyone hates me.” Believe it. And there’s an interview with Kris Humphries’ father, William Humphries.

“There was never a discussion about it. It just came out of nowhere and blindsided Kris,” William claims in the new issue of Life & Style. “How could someone do that? Kris was completely surprised. The news was already published before he found out!”

While a rep for Kim insists Kris, 26, did know the divorce was coming, friends and family say Kris, now back in his hometown of Chanhassen, Minn,. is still heartbroken. “He’s hurting, but we’re here for him,” William reveals to Life & Style. “It’s nice that he’s here [in Minnesota] with family during this time.”

Kris was so hurt by the news that he refused to even speak to his wife… until she surprised him by flying to Minnesota on Nov. 6 to hash out the details of the divorce.

“Kris told me that Kim was texting him a lot, but he wouldn’t respond,” his friend tells Life & Style. “They did speak briefly the day the split was announced, but only because Kim was apparently p**sed that Kris had released his own statement.”

“It’s not a nice situation. No matter how you look at it, he’s going through a divorce,” William adds. – via L&S.

Sources told the same. During the Minnesota visit, she wasn’t really in counselling, nor seeking closure… she was controlling her husband’s PR. She was in damage-control mode, brand-saving mode. She had no interest in staying married.

Kim Kardashian is watching her back! The reality star flew on a whim to see her soon-to-be ex-husband Kris Humphries and we’ve just learned the real reason. It turns out Kim was so worried that Kris would blab to the press and reveal her dirty laundry that she raced to his hometown to persuade him to stay mum.

“Kim visited Kris so that he wouldn’t talk to the press,” our source says. “She was making sure that he wouldn’t do ‘anything stupid’ and ‘law low’ and not talk to any media outlets about their relationship. She seems more about controlling how her brand is affected than reconciling the relationship”

So why did they meet with Pastor Joel Johnson for four hours? Our source tells us that Kris is “devastated” that Kim met up with Reggie Bush behind his back and he’s taking the breakup “hard.” [Ed’s note: the part about Bush is a lie]

It also turns out that Kris and Kim weren’t left alone in the same room a single time on her quick trip to Minnesota.

“It was uncomfortable for both of them the entire time they were together… they were never alone,” our source adds. “This was a theme in their relationship that Kris didn’t like whatsoever.” – via HollywoodLife.


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