Lindsay Lohan Wanted Black Swan Role, Butthurt She Wasn’t Considered

July 13, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Lindsay Lohan had a long enough moment of clarity to become “indignant” at not being considered for a role in Black Swan. This is another piece of information we gather from the Plum Miami profile in which we get a character assassination instead of an interview.

It’s being reported by Plum Miami, who are getting sweet revenge for Lohan’s shenanigans during a process that ended with an exhausted interviewer and no interview, that Lohan wanted a role in Black Swan. She’d reportedly taken ballet until she was 19 – Natalie Portman took some ballet too – and, thought that arbitrarily meant she’d be a good fit for a role. Because being talented and professional only go so far. You need skills that can be performed by a dance double and then digitally made to look like you – it’s a must!

According to the bemused writer, Lohan “was indignant that she was not considered for the movie Black Swan.”


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