Lindsay Lohan Not Accepting Pitbull Apology, Not Begging Steven Soderbergh For Work

August 26, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Lindsay Lohan has so many ridiculous updates that it’s easier to lump them together in one post. The Cliffs Notes version of the insufferable updates: she’s still suing Pittbull, even after he somewhat-convincingly explained away the lyrics over which Lohan’s suing… and after a week of rumours on E! that she’s been begging a director for work, Lohan’s deflecting the only way she knows how. Deny, deny, deny.

The Pittbull lawsuit is going ahead. This is the legal claim that the rapper thought “must be a joke” because it is so ludicrous.

Lohan was offended by the lyrics “Hustlers move aside, so I’m tiptoein’, to keep flowin’/I got it locked up like Lindsay Lohan,” in a song that’s getting too much additional airplay for not even being that good. The lyrics are fine, and the append succinct. There’s nothing to sue over. According to, Lohan has been in “jail 5 times, in a court ordered rehab facility twice, and spending 32 days under house arrest… [and she] has been in court 11 times in the past 14 months.”

But “locked up” within the context of a song, using her name as part of a rhyming couplet, that will ruin her career?

Her lawsuit states: “The lyrics, by virtue of its wide appeal, condemnation, excoriation, disparaging or defamatory statements by the defendants about the plaintiff are destined to do irreparable harm to the plaintiff. [Lindsay], a professional actor of good repute and standing in the Screen Actors Guild, is suing under the New York civil rights laws, which protects people from having their name exploited for commercial purposes. [Her name in the song] causes [Lindsay] to be associated and identified in connection with defendants.”

Pitbull explained away the lyric, saying there’s no reference to jail on the song, just some hamfisted drug dealer reference maybe?

“When I say ‘you got it locked up’ it means you run that area… In no way shape or form would I want to bring that on anyone. I didn’t look to defamate [sic], degrade or hurt someone’s career… To me it was very ironic, to be honest with you. At first I read it, and I was like, you’ve got to be joking. I came to find out it was very realistic.” Ignoring the haphazard uses of the words “ironic/ realistic/ defamate [sic],” he’s calling her a model dealer not a model prisoner. Right? Much better.

Pittbull invited Lohan to the MTV Video Music Awards this weekend, but she turned him down and she’s suing anyway. “I will be performing this at the VMAs, and as a matter of fact, I’d like to send out an invitation to Lindsay Lohan, hopefully she can come with me to the VMAs and maybe we can figure this out,” he said. Lohan said NOPE! Reports, Lohan is “blowing off his apology for using her name in a song… and rejecting his invitation to the MTV VMAs. Sources close to Lindsay tell us she has no interest in going to the VMAs and Pitbull’s apology has no impact on the lawsuit… it’s moving forward.”

In related news, Lohan is denying the stories from E! that she was hired by and then dropped by director Steven Soderbergh. It was reported that she was hand-picked and “perfect” for a role in Magic Mike. But after considering it further, she was dropped by Soderbergh because she “wasn’t worth the trouble.” E! followed up, claiming that Lohan’s people begged Soderbergh’s people to retract any earlier statements made to E! but “He said no to that request because [she was dropped], of course.” And now, Lohan’s gone to X17 Online to give her side of the story.

Deny, deny, deny.

Lindsay Lohan did not beg director Steven Soderbergh for a role in his upcoming stripper movie Magic Mike, according to Lilo’s rep.

Steve Honig, Lindsay’s rep, tells X17online exclusively: “Lindsay was not campaigning for the role in Magic Mike and not begging anybody to do anything.”

The Soderbergh flick has already attached big names like Matthew McConaughey, Channing Tatum and Alex Pettyfer.

As for the reports claiming Lilo begged Soderbergh not to say he “won’t work with her,” Honig adds, “To the best of my knowledge, this is completely untrue.”

We’ve reached out to Lindsay’s mom, Dina, for comment, but we’ve yet to hear back. – via X17Online.


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