Lindsay Lohan Saturday Night Live Bumper Photos: 2004 To 2012
March 4, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Lindsay Lohan hosted Saturday Night Live March 3, 2012 after begging executive producer Lorne Michaels for the hosting job.
Michaels offered Lohan the gig and she arrived in New York City Tuesday for rehearsals and promotion, including the softball interview with Matt Lauer for Today Show that was really a promotional exercise for SNL offering little insight into Lohan’s current condition (all we learned was that she couldn’t keep a straight face when asked about her sobriety). hasn’t posted Lohan’s monologue, digital short, or the rest of the March 3 episode online yet. However, there’s a bumper archive that provides an interesting look at Lohan’s changing face from her hosting gigs spanning 2004 to 2012. It’s especially enlightening in the wake of claims that she jacked her face with too much plastic surgery.
Below, in order, with details if you click on each thumbnail, are the 2004 to 2012 bumper photos.
** UPDATE: You can watch Lohan on Saturday Night Live HERE.