Mad Men Season Five Premiere: Zou Bisou Bisou, Recap & Spoilers
March 26, 2012 by Hollywoodite
Mad Men season 5 premiere was last night with a two-hour AMC premiere called A Little Kiss that was notably heavy on some plot elements and noticeably light on others that everyone was anticipating.
WARNING: this post will contain spoilers, if you’re yet to watch episode one/ two of the new season.
The two-hour premiere allowed Matthew Weiner to really indulge in the return of Donald Draper, né Dick Whitman, who married again and divulged to his second wife parts of himself he’d neglected to share with Betty Francis, the erstwhile Betty Draper, who is absent unless you count the arrival at her home to deposit the kids a cameo.
Random thoughts about the episode and feel free to add your own:
* Following an 18-month hiatus, which feels like a full two-years, Mad Men returned with a somewhat tepid offering. It wasn’t as explosive as some expected it to be; although, the show need only exist because its existence usurps that of many peers and imitators (is Pan Am still on the air?).
* The year doesn’t appear to be explicitly spelled out, although one gleans from reading around it’s 1966; about a year later than the close of season four.
* Don Draper married the secretary he loved because she clicked with his kids; who Sally Draper, specifically, didn’t dislike. Of his kids, the older son, formerly played by Jared Gilmore has been replaced by Mason Vale Cotton of Desperate Housewives, after an IRL row with January Jones. Although John Slattery says it’s because Gilmore was a very bad actor.
* Megan Draper has since been promoted to junior copywriter under Peggy Olsen, who appears to be her line supervisor/ boss. The newlyweds go to work together, every morning, and Don appears to have watered down some of his curmudgeon for the sake of his marriage. Although, evidenced by the birthday party, the cracks are already starting to show (the fact that Megan is optimistic, vibrant, and independent should be proof enough the marriage may be doomed since Don has the ability to turn any woman into his vituperative and austere ex-wife).
* The birthday party: FYI the name of the song Megan sang to Don with that weird porny dance was Zou Bisou Bisou, not Zoobeezoobeezoo or Zubi Zubi Zoo or any variation thereof and it’s a real French pop song from 1962. It was sung by Gillian Hills, then aged 16-years-old, and it translated as “Oh! Kiss Kiss”… with lyrics about “sweet kisses” and lovers kissing in bushes.
* More random thoughts: the wallet sub-plot lay the groundwork for… something… but it took too much time. Where is Betty? Just how sour and disillusioned has she become since the last time we saw her? Pete has a better office and he’s the first in, last out (he’s also a new father) and Pete is the only one aside from Cooper of SCDP who really cares. Peggy is needier than last season. Joan Harris is more insecure, stewing on maternity leave, with Roger Sterling really being baby Kevin Harris’ father (speaking of, Roger has a miserable marriage to child Jane). Lane Pryce is wanting and thought-cheating. Meh. Don seems to care, for now, about Megan’s well-being and Megan seems to have been allowed to see a side of Don shielded from the rest of the world although she remains clueless about appropriateness and tact around his friends, of whom he has few, and co-workers (wasn’t Don’s accountant at his 40th birthday party?). Don isn’t flagrantly cheating, yet. Oh, and Megan “isn’t feeling well,” Hmm… Lastly, what was up with the African tribal statue bit at the end?
In any case, it was a teaser; like a two-hour teaser trailer for the rest of the season. Can’t wait for next week.
In the meantime here’s Megan, French-Canadian actress Jessica Paré, performing Zou Bisou Bisou. You can also listen to Hills’ original version right below. Moreover, apparently so many people liked the Mad Men version of the song, it’s available to buy on iTunes.