Mariah Yeater Hires New Lawyers, Resumes Justin Bieber Paternity Suit

November 16, 2011 Hollywood Gossip

It would appear were wrong this morning, or they were just premature in declaring that Mariah Yeater had dropped her case and ceased to pursue Justin Bieber for paternity. There was speculation, based on TMZ’s piece, that Bieber tired of the negative publicity and paid her off. However, her new lawyer just did an interview and said Yeater went quiet because he told her to, she’s been getting death threats, and she sought new legal counsel after being dropped by her former lawyers, Lance Rogers and Matt Pare.

Basically, Yeater’s still hungry for money and fame. And still she’s hoping for a payout. Her new lawyer, Jeffrey Leving, admitted in an interview with NY Daily News he’d rather Bieber just paid hush money in private, rather than make the case public and subject to scrutiny. He continued, speaking with WGNtv in Chicago, once the paternity test results come back he’ll endeavor to keep them private.

“I did not step down and there is a legal team. It’s a new legal team. In light of death threats against my client, strategies have been reviewed…the San Diego team has been replaced by John Carlson from Los Angeles,” Jeffrey Leving, a Chicago paternity attorney who took on Yeater as a client, explained over the phone with WGNtv in Chicago.

“She believes Justin Bieber is the father. Right now there’s no more interviews for Mariah Yeater, I’m not going to allow that. Secondly, negotiations are going on right now with Bieber’s counsel and we’re trying to negotiate a private, secure DNA test with the same safe guards that would exist if there were a court order, but without a court order.

“The case is completely out of control and I don’t want something terrible to happen to my client or her child.”

While it’s still unclear whether or not Yeater’s case is still technically active, Leving said he hopes he won’t have to file a new lawsuit.

“My goal is that when the DNA test is completed, which I believe it will be…my goal is to keep everything confidential so the results will remain confidential.” – via Radar.

To be clear…

* Yeater accused her ex-boyfriend, John Terranova, of being father of the same baby.

* She probably made money from photo/ video rights in her Star Magazine exclusive.

* She probably made money from photo/ video rights speaking to The Insider.

* She was evasive and unable to give answers to basic questions on The Insider.

* She was unable to confirm whether eyewitnesses SHE says were present could confirm her story.

* She was unable to account for why Bieber’s bodyguard denied seeing her.

* She almost certainly DID make money staging these photos with paparazzi agency Bauer-Griffin… two days after filing suit.

She just wants this over with, so does her lawyer. She seems to want a quick payout, to keep her away from a McDonald’s grill a few months longer.

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