Mariah Yeater’s Lawyer: We Tried To Settle Paternity In Private
November 11, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Mariah Yeater’s lawyer ran to NY Daily News to bemoan Justin Bieber not allowing this farce to continue in private.
Essentially, according to Yeater’s camp, the negative publicity and confused fans who think he’s ever met this woman are his own fault. It’s his fault for not yeilding to a private paternity test. It’s his fault for not cowering to what’s become drawn out extortion and defamation.
It’s going to take another week before the test is completed, because of his schedule. Then a few more weeks for the results to come back. We may have to wait until the New Year for Bieber to sue Yeater for the money she already spent on her srs bsns court-ready outfit (people who wear collard shirts don’t make false claims).
The California woman who claims Justin Bieber is her baby daddy tried repeatedly to settle with the teen troubadour out of court, her lawyer said Wednesday. Chicago lawyer Jeffrey Leving sent emails to the Canadian crooner’s camp twice in September and again Oct. 3 asking for a private paternity test and direct negotiations without the need for a court filing, Leving told the Daily News.
He got no response.
“It could have been done painlessly, with the media never knowing about it,” Leving claimed. “Access to justice should not be a luxury only the rich can afford, especially in a society where people are so enamored by celebrity status and wealth.”
Leving said he “trusts” Yeater’s story after lengthy discussions with her and her mother and hopes a judge will order a DNA test after a court hearing Dec. 15.
He said Bieber’s lawyer did agree to a test, but Leving wants to make sure it’s court-ordered and properly supervised.
“There has to be a sufficient chain of custody. Now it’s a high-profile case, and there’s motive to corrupt this. People are so enamored with Justin Bieber, you could have someone change samples in a lab because of love for this guy,” he claimed.
He claimed his client is suffering and only wants answers.
“She’s an unemployed single mother struggling to make a future while being intimidated and bullied. She has a right to make her case without threats of being sued or jail time. This is outrageous,” he claimed.
Bieber, 17, has denied he’s the father and claims he’s never even met Yeater.
“I’d just like to say, basically, that none of those allegations are true,” Bieber said on NBC’s Today Show last week. “I know I’m going to be a target, but I’m never going to be a victim.”
Yeater filed her paternity suit on Halloween, claiming in a sworn statement obtained by Star magazine that Bieber is her four-month-old son’s dad because “there were no other possible men that I had sex with that could be the father of my baby.”
She claimed she had unprotected sex with the singer while perched on a bathroom shelf backstage at his Los Angeles concert in October 2010.
Since the filing, a Las Vegas grandmother has come forward saying Yeater tried to pin the pregnancy on a different man last year. Frances Lippe told TMZ that Yeater accused her grandson John Terranova of being the father during a heated altercation last December that led to a police report.
Terranova insisted he wasn’t the father, Lippe said, and Yeater allegedly broke a car window and slapped Terranova three times in a fit of rage. She was arrested and booked for battery. Lippe said they never heard from Yeater again. – via New York Daily News.
The lawyers are being tricky. Notice what they said?
It’s everyone else’s fault.
Yeater’s not some trick, desperate for fame after banging a bunch of frat guys in her home town. She’s a broke trick who’s just looking to make a dime. And it’s Bieber’s fault he wouldn’t be extorted in private. Moreover, it’s the fault of whomever conducts the test if/ WHEN if comes back negative. If/ WHEN Yeater’s found to be a liar, then moves on to accusing guy #3. It’s the fault of the grown scientist who’s never heard of Bieber or this “high-profile case” that’s only so because of the famewhoring. Ugh.