Meet the New Cast of Teen Mom!

July 17, 2013 by Jessica Salem

The new season of Teen Mom premieres this August. The series focuses on the four stars of MTV’s fourth season of 16 and Pregnant, Alex Sekella, Briana DeJesus, Mackenzie Douthit, and Katie Yeager as they transition from pregnancy to motherhood. The new season documents the four girls as they struggle to raise their children while dealing with the deadbeat fathers.

Sekella put her life on hold when she found out she was pregnant with her daughter, Arabella. Now she is struggling while working three jobs and trying to finish school as her boyfriend, Matt, battles a serious drug addiction and a potential overdose. DeJesus goes through a roller coaster of emotions as she tries to figure out if she wants baby Nova’s dad, Devonne, in their life. It will be a tough decision after everything Devonne has put her through: no child support, no visits, and online bullying. Douthit faces the opposite problem as she fights to keep her fiance, Josh, in her and her son Gannon’s lives. Josh focuses more on his budding singing career while Douthit tries to maintain her own life and their relationship. Yeager her boyfriend Joey fight after he dashes her dreams of college by telling her education is a waste of money. She tearfully asks why he doesn’t love her and support her the way she does to him.

All four girls strive to be the best mothers they can be while dealing with their individual problems. Tune in to MTV on August 26 at 10PM to see how these four girls fight their battles.


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