Megan Fox Reaction To “Cheating” Scandal… She Cried?
July 11, 2011 by Hollywoodite
According to one source who spoke with serial writers of award-winning fiction OK!, Megan Fox’s plasticized face melted enough from all the botox she never had to allow her to emote about the Shia LaBeouf scandal.
In a series of quotes better suited to his dream journal or Facebook, LaBeouf espoused the joys of Megan Fox’s privates; steering just clear of saying “I hit that!” Speaking to the August issue of Details, LaBeouf confirmed that he had an intimate relationship with the actress. Asked by a presumably bewildered interviewer, who thought all their Christmases had come at once, LaBeouf spoke at great length about the lead up to their sleeping together, their sexual chemistry and how she was probably in a relationship at the time.
Asked if he hooked up with Fox, LaBeouf nods affirmatively. “Look, you’re on the set for six months, with someone who’s rooting to be attracted to you, and you’re rooting to be attracted to them,” he explains. “I never understood the separation of work and life in that situation. But the time I spent with Megan was our own thing, and I think you can see the chemistry onscreen.” When I inquire about Fox’s status at the time with her longtime boyfriend, Brian Austin Green, LaBeouf replies, “I don’t know, man. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know. . . .”—repeating the phrase exactly 12 times with various intonations, as if trying to get it just right. Finally, he says, “It was what it was.” – via Details August 2011.
Which is longhand for “I hit that!” The actor didn’t even know whether she had a boyfriend and seemed to think the blithe “It was that it was” enacted some get out clause. It didn’t. Not that it bothered the boyfriend in question, Brian Austin Green, who seemed oblivious to the possible cheating when asked by the same magazine in October 2010.
Your relationship [with Megan] was often described as on-again, off-again. “We’ve been together for six years. Find a picture of one of us with any other boyfriend or girlfriend—I challenge you. You’ll only find pictures of her doing press with Shia LaBeouf or me with my son. That’s it. We never once dated anyone else or did anything else.” – via Details October 2010.
In any case, it’s not known whether LaBeouf apologised to Fox for running his mouth in this manner; or Green for, you know. LaBeouf countered, in a recent interview, that he’d finally learned to shut up and say “No comment” when something might be inappropriate. All Fox had to say, when asked by the media was “We have no comment.” OK! alleges it’s because she’s basically too distraught to comment; crying over the humiliation of the scandal. Hmm…
‘Megan’s been in tears, and is apologizing to Brian… even though technically she didn’t do anything wrong since they were on a break… They are so angry at Shia.’ – via OK!