Mila Kunis’ Cell Hacked, Photos Of Her & Justin Timberlake Leaked

September 15, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Mila Kunis was hacked and her photos released the same day as the already-notorious Scarlett Johansson nudes. In what reads like a poorly-timed stunt to promote Friends With Benefits, by someone who doesn’t understand the big deal with REAL Johansson photos, Kunis’ photos of herself and Justin Timberlake have been published on the Internet.

The Johansson photos are easy to find, the photos of Kunis and Timberlake aren’t. And yet has a description… “Four pictures have been leaked, including two [of] Justin. Laying shirtless in a bed and another in which [he] is jokingly sporting a pair of pink panties over his head. Kunis is not featured in either of the pics. There’s another photo of Mila in a bathtub, but all you see is her head. And then there’s another photo of a male which is explicit in nature, although his identity is a mystery. There are also some texts. The hacker claims they reveal exchanges between Justin and Mila.”

So, Kunis and Timberlake were closer than they admitted during the filming of their average comedy that so closely followed No Strings Attached the two films had the same name at one point (NSA was called FWB until they realised a similar film already had that name… even though NSA was released six-months ahead of time, it didn’t matter). There were denials about the pair hooking up Shia/ Megan on Transformers-style. Kunis/ Timberlake both feel too old to be sleeping around so casually; to be actual FWBs. Well, the photos sound lame and weirdly tame. And aside from Kunis having random d*** pictures on her phone, there’s no nudity and the photos sound reminiscence of the leaked Rihanna/ Chris Brown photos where he had her panties on his head.


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