Miley Cyrus Hates Cocaine But Loves Weed And Molly Because They Are “Happy Drugs”

September 27, 2013 by Lindsay Cronin

Miley Cyrus was once quite secretive when it came to her drug use. After getting caught up in a salvia-smoking scandal in 2010, the child star turned singer claimed to be disappointed in herself. Now, in a candid new interview, Miley is opening up about her love of two particular “happy drugs.”

“One time I smoked a joint with peyote in it, and I saw a wolf howling at the moon,” Miley reveals to Rolling Stone. “Hollywood is a coke town, but weed is so much better. And Molly, too. Those are happy drugs — social drugs. They make you want to be with friends. You’re out in the open. You’re not in a bathroom.”

As for the drugs Miley isn’t a fan of, she claims cocaine makes that list. “I really don’t like coke,” she says, explaining, “It’s so gross and so dark. It’s like, what are you, from the ’90s? Ew.”

Also in the interview, Miley opened up about why she believes her VMA performance caused such a stir. “I think it’s all marketing. If a website is like, ‘We love Miley’s performance!,’ I don’t think people are gonna click on it. ‘Miley’s cute performance with teddy bears!’— no one is gonna click on that.”

Although Miley didn’t mind all the attention, she does wish that people would make such a fuss out of things that actually matter such as the Trayvon Martin case. “What makes me kind of sick is, Trayvon Martin’s trial didn’t happen more than two months ago. It got talked about a lot — but it still got done being talked about a lot quicker than the VMAs,” she said, “And that’s really sad. For about two days, it was on Twitter and everything, everyone had their pictures as Trayvon — and then two days later, where was it? Who cared anymore?”

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