Star: Cyrus Divorce “On Hold” To Save Miley Cyrus From Her “Secret Drug Problem”
June 27, 2013 by Hollywoodite
Two things: 1) Miley Cyrus’ drug use isn’t secret 2) it’s yet to be determined whether she’s taking anything hard enough or often enough for it to be considered a problem.
For what it’s worth, this is the cover of Star Magazine this week on which it’s alleged the reason the Cyrus parents chilled on their divorce and were immediately seen snuggling in front of their minor child–mixed messages, non, especially after calling off their divorce the first time around–to “save” their entertainer daughter from herself.
The cover says “Divorce on hold to save daughter. Miley’s secret drug problem. Bizarre behavior, violent outbursts, and not sleeping for days; seen snorting ‘white powder’ at NYC party; Liam’s ultimatum ‘It’s the drugs or me.”
Oh, no: Miley Cyrus is in a “drug-fueled spiral.” Unclear if she is spiralling up or down.
The proof offered? Well, she called herself a “stoner” who “smokes way too much f**king weed.” And: A party guest at the Met Ball says Miley was seen snorting “something suspicious” in the ladies’ room. This eyewitness claims that Miley and four other young ladies were in a stall and “Miley put her finger over one nostril, bent down over the back of the toilet and snorted a white powder off it.”
The source also says that Miley was chain-smoking and “getting crazy” in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes, with the stall door open, and “almost looked like she didn’t care that people saw her.” Clearly. Miley was with Cara Delevingne that night, the model who, the day before the Met ball, was seen dropping a baggie of white powder on her doorstep. (Unless a photographer threw it at her and then took a picture, which, I mean, would it surprise you at all?)
Anyway. Miley’s fiancé Liam HOTworth (of the Hotworth brothers) told her she needs to clean up her act and said “it’s me or the drugs,” according to an anonymous insider we’ll assume is an out-of-work soap opera script writer. – via Jezebel.