Miley Cyrus Short Hair: Why Did Miley Cyrus Cut Her Hair? Is This “The Twiggy”?

August 13, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Miley Cyrus cut her hair short this weekend and shared the photos on Twitter.

Facing criticism from fans who thought it drastic when she and hairdresser friend Chris McMillan took scissors to her bun, and fans who hated the final result, Cyrus defended her right to do whatever she wanted with her own locks.

The 19-year-old and her stylist shared about 10 photos including some captions.

He tweeted: “Good bye bun. Stay tuned. @ NYC… Done… Photo by Miley. Hair by me.”

And she tweeted the rest of the photos with some captions: “tick tock tick tock… it’s happening… if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all. my hair is attached to my head no one else’s and it’s going bye bye…”

After defending herself, because somehow she needed to, she tried to explain why she cut her hair so short: “Never felt more me in my whole life ❤… most successful Sally day EVER! ❤❤❤ I feel pretty ohhhh so pretty and gayyyy… ❤❤❤ feeling so happy in my skin.. my dad @billyraycyrus used to tell me ‘opinions are are like a**holes every body has one’ LOVE my hair ❤ feel so happy, pretty, and free.”

But there’s more. She also re-tweeted video from an observant fan who recalled a 2008 ABC News interview conducted when Cyrus was only 15-years-old, talking about a blonde wig in her dressing room that looked a LOT like her previous colour. Right after, in the same interview, she’s pointing the interviewer to a photo of Twiggy saying that’s how she wants her hair one day. So, Cyrus has wanted to do this for four years and it’s “The Twiggy.” Here’s the interview (from about 7: 28). In addition, she reportedly donated the hair to a cancer charity.


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