MTV’s Buckwild Cast: Extended Bios For The Cast Of MTV’s Latest Reality Show

In case you missed it, this weekend saw the release of a lot of information about the cast of MTV’s Jersey Shore replacement, Buckwild.

It’s allegedly staged and fake, here is Cara Parrish’s bio, Shain Gandee’s bio, Anna Davis’ bio, Ashley Whitt’s bio, Shae Bradley’s bio, Katie Saria’s bio, Salwa Amin’s bio and information Amin released about her sex life and information about her graduation and her personal Facebook photos. Also in the cast are Joey Mulchy and Tyler Boulet (here’s a photo of Mulchy and Gandee filming on set).

And since there’s so much information about the cast, including their full names, where they’re from, their ages, their social links, and more including arrests, it makes sense to give them extended bios in addition to the shorter ones offered by MTV.

* Cara Parrish, 23, from Morgantown, West Virginia: According to her MTV bio, Parrish is “The Firecracker”: “Originally hailing from Morgantown, the biggest college town in West Virginia, Cara had seen her fair share of the club and bar scene. But when the drama of having an ex in the same town became too much, she decided to escape back to her Sissonville friends to get her mind straight.” She started modelling at 16 and she’s still modelling today (working as a “promotional model” with PUSH Models Las Vegas between 2010 and 2012). She’s also an aspiring designer with an upcoming clothing line. She attended West Virginia University.

* Anna Davis: Her bio calls her “The Ringleader” and notes “Even though she comes from the ritzier part of town, Anna would rather spend her time getting dirty with the crew down in the creeks and hollers. She’s a true wild child at heart who finds herself at a crossroads in life trying to decide between work and school. One thing is for certain: Anna isn’t afraid to stand up for herself.” And in a series of Facebook posts, Davis says the show’s negative coverage-so-far has been undeserved and she isn’t an embarrassment to West Virginia.

* Ashley Whitt, from West Virginia: She calls herself an “entrepreneur” and a “dork” on Twitter. According to her MTV bio, Whitt is “The Tomboy.” They continue, “Wild and carefree, Ashley is known for being one of the guys. She’d rather get down and dirty in the mud than deal with local drama… although she doesn’t mind starting it. She’s the bravest and most honest of her friends, but always the one to stir the pot.”

* Kristina Shae Bradley, who goes by “Shae,” is 21-years-old, date of birth August 15, 1991 (she posted her driver’s licence on Twitter complete with height, 5ft 3 ins, weight, 123 lbs, and home address), currently living in West Virginia: Bradley’s MTV bio says she’s the “The Spicy Southern Belle.” Adding, “Around town, Shae is known as the Southern belle. She’s been chased after by every eligible bachelor in Sissonville but somehow always ends up with the bad boy. Currently a nursing student, this college girl is also a country girl through and through. In fact, her first kiss was on the back of a four-wheeler.” On Facebook, she says fans shouldn’t be so quick to judge the show nor her, and her mother doesn’t like the show. Lastly, here’s a childhood photo Bradley shared on Facebook of herself and Davis.

* Katie Saria, 22, date of birth approx. November 21/ 22, 1990 (she posted about her birthday on Twitter and the year of birth is in her Instagram address): Saria runs a personal blog to help girls in their relationships with boys. On the same blog Saria responded to the West Virginia politician who called Buckwild “repulsive” and “ugly” and who asked that MTV cancel the show, saying “LOL Buckwild put way over 100k into West Virginia’s economy in wages alone…” (read her full blog here). She attended George Washington High School, WV and then West Virginia University.

* Salwa Amin, 24, date of birth May 29, 1988, of Charleston, West Virginia: Amin was arrested for a misdemeanor July 28, 2012. According to the Charlseton Gazette “[Amin was] arrested for disorderly conduct after she was observed screaming and yelling at a man walking into the Vista View Apartments at 4 a.m. The charges were later dismissed.” Her arrest record indicates she’s 5 ft 2 ins weighing 115 lbs. She graduated approx. May 2011 from the West Virginia University Institute of Technology with a bachelors in accounting. She says she worked hard at school, and her father was one of her teachers. She says she’s smoked weed although she doesn’t do pills and she’s slept with five men. All of which she announced on public forums, incidentally. She’s got a personal Facebook page, not an MTV fan page like the other girls. Calling her the “Bengali in Boots,” MTV’s bio says: “A recent college graduate, Salwa lives at home with her strict parents. Whenever she’s able to slip away, she’s the first one at the party. The oldest of the group, Salwa is always down for a good time and everyone loves her ‘tell it like it is’ attitude.”

* Shain Gandee, 21, from Sissonville, West Virginia: His MTV bio says he’s “Gandee Candy”: “Everyone in Sissonville, W. Va. knows Shain. Sociable and loyal, he was the high school Prom King, but missed the dance because he had to work. He’s done every job from coal mining to being a garbage man but as long as he is using his hands, he’s happy. He loves mudding, hunting and four-wheeling but most of all he loves his parents, who live three doors down.” He says in the Buckwild commercial he “don’t have no phone, Facebook… none of that internet stuff.” Which isn’t quite true because Gandee has a MySpace page that’s still live although it was last active “1/11/12.”

* Tyler Elliot Boulet, 20, date of birth June 8, 1992 as listed on his rap sheet (he was arrested June 11, 2012 for “Minor in possession of alcohol”… maybe celebrating his birthday since he was arrested three days after turning 20; he was arrested before that too, February 4, 2012 for an unspecified misdemeanor). Also on his rap sheet are his height, 6ft 0 ins, and weight, 175 lbs. He is the only boy in the cast who’s currently on Twitter. He’s @T_Boulet2. “The Pretty Boy,” MTV’s bio says he’s “Known for his innocent good looks, Tyler has a reputation for leaving a trail of broke hearts all over town. He recently finished up another semester in college but the flexible schedule of working at his dad’s company sometimes seems more enticing. Recently Shain and Joey have taken Tyler under their wing on a mission to make him less of a pretty boy and more of a country man.” He attended Sherman High School, WV.

* Joey Mulchy about whom there’s the least information except he seems to be a WV native too. Nicknamed “Justin Beaver” by the show, his MTV bio says “Shain and Joey have been best friends since they could walk. Once they learned how to ride a bike, it’s been bumps, bruises and hospital visits for these adrenaline junkies. With his Justin Bieber haircut and laid-back country attitude, Joey thinks he’s the biggest ladies’ man in town.”

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