Mug Shot: “1 Lunatic, 1 Ice Pick” Killer Luka Rocco Magnotta Arrested

June 6, 2012 by Hollywoodite

The alleged killer from the 1 Lunatic, 1 Ice Pick video has been arrested in Berlin and identified as Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, who also allegedly posted a bunch of videos of himself torturing and killing kittens (he fed a kitten to a python snake and drowned two kittens in a bath) for which animal rights activists sought him for nearly two-years.

Nicknamed the “Canadian Cannibal,” Magnotta is a gay porn actor, stripper, and escort, who was caught by authorities in a Berlin Internet cafe after a staff member recognised the suspect from a newspaper photo and flagged down a police car. CBS News reports that Magnotta spent two-hours in the Internet cafe, starting at around noon on Monday, reading news articles about his own crimes online.

Confronted by seven officers, “He tried at first giving fake names but in the end he just said… ‘You got me.’ He didn’t resist,” confirmed police spokesman Guido Busch.

Magnotta is accused of murdering ex-boyfriend Jun Lin, age 33, a native of Wuhan in China (but registered as an undergraduate student in the department of engineering and computer science at Concordia University in Montreal), on May 24, 2012 at Magnotta’s Montreal apartment.

He mailed the deceased’s body parts to Canada’s top two political parties, although Lin’s right foot, right leg, and his head are still missing.

The criminal fled from his native Montreal, Canada to Paris, France May 26 and then on to Berlin in Germany, according to evidence found at Magnotta’s apartment and a blog entry Magnotta posted about disappearing (yes, he taped and uploaded video evidence then blogged about absconding).

Lin’s torso was found in a suitcase outside Magnotta’s Snowdon apartment building on the morning of May 29, sparking the international manhunt.

The Montreal Gazette reports local police were “called to an apartment building at 5720 Décarie in Snowdon by residents complaining of a foul smell. Lin’s torso was discovered in a suitcase next to a small mountain of garbage bags, old carpets and abandoned furniture in the back of the low-rent apartment complex… Investigators and technicians with Montreal’s Major Crimes Unit spent 18-hours sifting through… garbage… The search turns up body parts, bloody clothing, a blunt instrument, and papers allowing police to link the crime to Magnotta.”

Magnotta can also be seen, “nervously” walking in and out of his building with garbage bags, on surveillance footage. The likeness matched video of him mailing body parts from a Côte des Neiges Canada Post outlet.

Police spokeswoman Kerstin Ziesmer confirmed Magnotta would be questioned and then brought before a judge behind closed doors. Adding, “He says he is the wanted person,” although his identity is yet to be officially confirmed. He will likely be extradited to Canada.

“We said from the beginning that the web has been used to glorify himself and we believe the web brought him down,” said Montreal Police Cmdr. Ian Lafreniere. “He was recognized because his photo was everywhere.”

The full horror of the case emerged six days earlier, when a package containing a severed foot was opened at the ruling Conservative Party headquarters.

A hand was discovered at a postal facility, addressed to the Liberal party of Canada. A torso was found in a suitcase on a garbage dump in Montreal, outside Magnotta’s apartment building. Police in masks combed through the blood-soaked Montreal studio apartment last Wednesday.

Police discovered that Luka Magnotta changed his name from Eric Clinton Newman in 2006 and that he was born in Scarborough, Ontario. He is also known as Vladimir Romanov.

His mother, Anna Yourkin in Peterbourgh, Ontario, apologized, said she had no comment and hung up the phone.

Nina Arsenault, a Toronto transsexual who said she had a relationship with Magnotta over a decade ago, described him as a drug user with a temper, who sometimes turned his anger on himself, hitting himself on the head, and other parts of his body. – via CBS News.

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