Report: Myla Sinanaj Lied About Being Pregnant To Win Back Kris Humphries

July 11, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Myla Sinanaj’s lies have been exposed in a series of reveals after she leaked her own stories using her former lawyer, her friends, and whomever would listen in the media.

Last week, Sinanaj wrote a tweet about having a “little boy” who would be “dressed like his daddy.” Today, she’s telling TMZ cameras and blogs that was a “general tweet” and non-specific for a reason. Except, she’s really been obfuscating for attention. She’s not pregnant.

Sinanaj told the following in a series of direct messages on Twitter.

“I don’t know who there ‘sources’ are but since this all happen I still have NOT ever spoken yet everyday tabloids say I can’t keep my mouth shut. Its such BS. 1. I’m NOT pregnant 2. I’m not signing no NDA’s or getting any $ or going against Kris in his divorce.I dropped my law suit because after things got out of hand me and kris realized our friendship was bigger than the BS I never cared. About $ he’s a GOOD guy and so many people don’t know that because he’s so negatively portrayed but I knw who he is and that’s why I trust him and dropped everything with no settlement. When you love someone you don’t want to hurt them so all these bs ‘sources’Have ppl thinking I’m saying all this stuff I’m not its frustrating. Ppl will never understand my reasons for still caring for Him after everything he did but I love him and that over rides any $ or fame.”

“Its crazy! Smh I’m portrayed as a crazy gold digger booty call and he’s a bad guy. He’s not even after what he did I know his heart is good. But every1 makes mistakes I think it takes a strong person to forgive something I was put through and someone who obviously really loves him. I didn’t drop suit to ‘Get him back’ I did it because he apologized n that’s all I care about. I don’t knw what future holds.”

“I feel like this man goes through so much negativity because of me in press but I’m the one the cares genuinely for him. Its hard And ppl don’t even know that I dropped everything because I care not being some goldigger. Sucks
I Feel guilty letting fake stories run that affect kris.He already is so stressed I should not be 1 as well.if it was just me I wouldn’t care.”

“1 thing forgot to say preggo rummor started off a general tweet 1 made on 4th of july sayin ‘ONE day can’t wait to have a lil boy’ not. That I was preg… Or close too. Its ridiculous they thought I’m subliminal saying I’m preg. LOL”

Which is a protracted rebuttal after being caught in a lie. sources say Sinanaj “told people” she is pregnant in a “delusional” ploy to win back the ex-boyfriend with whom she’s still in love, Kris Humphries. TMZ Live has been saying the same all week. And the live show invited Sinanaj to phone in, as she did on Tuesday, where she was confronted about starting her own rumours and telling her former lawyer she is three months pregnant.

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