National Enquirer: Whitney Houston Photo From “Private Viewing”

February 22, 2012 by Hollywoodite

**WARNING** This week’s National Enquirer shows Whitney Houston in an open casket, at the Whigham Funeral Home in Newark, NJ in what appears to be a real photo taken inside the “private,” closed family viewing. Which means a funeral home staffer or security staffer, a family member, or a close friend, took and sold the photo(s) to the tabloid.

This follows last week’s National Enquirer cover on which a model posed as Houston dead in the tub in room 434 of the Beverly Hilton Hotel (which was occupied the following day, and which the Houston family has since stripped of anything not bolted down to stop people cashing in).

Enquirer’s cover reads: “WORLD EXCLUSIVE: Whitney’s Last Photo… Inside her private viewing. Buried in jewellery worth $500,000; Wore her favourite purple dress; Had gold slippers on her feet (All the details).”


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