Nicole Scherzinger Feigns Shock At Pussycat Dolls Costumes For Marie Claire

August 12, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Nicole Scherzinger is currently promoting X Factor since she’s judging the American version instead of former judge, Cheryl Cole (who was fired because the judges/ crowd couldn’t understand her accent and there was no chemistry with Paula Abdul). Scherzinger’s interviews and promotion have been somewhat sporadic. Her photo shoots are always cute. She can pose her butt off. Zoe Saldana needs a class from Scherzinger and maybe she wouldn’t pose like she needs to stretch first.

Scherzinger’s interviews are less-eventful. They’re full of trite filler and comments that don’t stick out. It’s always just so safe. Which makes her safe. And a little boring. It feels like there should be so much more to her as a person. Like after outshining her Pussycat Dolls bandmates to the extent she did, she should just read as more… special. But she doesn’t.

On the trashy costumes worn by PCD: “I cried when I saw my first Pussycat Doll costume,” she tells U.S. Marie Claire magazine this month. “It was my first photo shoot, and I wasn’t used to wearing clothes like that.”

On how she reacted and lowered her standards/ morals: “My friends from high school were like, ‘Oh, my gosh, our sweet little Nicole.’ It’s growing up, though, right? I’m a woman, and it’s part of owning what you are.”

On American X Factor: “I’m the luckiest person to get a front-row ticket to the Simon and Paula show,” she says of her fellow judges who also include L.A. Reid. “This whole thing has felt like a roller-coaster ride.”

On her work ethic: “I definitely have the eye of the tiger. I’ve fought my way to where I am and will continue to do so,” she says. “I’m a hard worker, I get it from my family. We only know work. Nothing was handed to us. When I believe in something, I go after it. It’s very hard to tell me no.”

On her album: “I’ve been working toward this my whole life,” she tells the magazine. “This album is my dream. Everything is timing.  My music is the driving engine, and The X Factor is where I can give back to the contestants… pay it forward, since I got my start on reality shows. I’m ready to take it all on.” – via Marie Claire, The Daily Mail.

This interview’s a little better… probably because she’s throwing PCD under the bus. She did, right? “I wasn’t used to wearing clothes like that?” Um, who is? Why deride the band who made you famous? Clearly she didn’t have that much of a problem with the clothes as she spent near five years in her bra and panties. Which, according to her, was some kind of chilly right of passage once she broke her moral compass to be in the band.


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