Nigella Lawson’s Husband Files for Divorce

Charles Saatchi, Nigella Lawson’s abusive husband, has issued a public statement after filing for divorce.

Lawson and Saatchi were recently photographed at a restaurant getting into a physical altercation. Lawson was seen crying while Saatchi placed his hands around her neck choking her. Saatchi tried to spin the photographs as him just exaggerating a point and how he wasn’t actually being physically abusive.

One can only assume that this isn’t the first time Saatchi has gotten physical with Lawson, yet it was the first time the abuse was photographed. Lawson was seen moving out of their home with her children according to reports from TMZ and other news outlets. His statements reads:

“I am sorry to announce that Nigella Lawson and I are getting divorced.

“This is heartbreaking for both of us as our love was very deep, but in the last year we have become estranged and drifted apart.

“I feel that I have clearly been a disappointment to Nigella during the last year or so, and I am disappointed that she was advised to make no public comment to explain that I abhor violence of any kind against women, and have never abused her physically in any way.

“The row photographed as Scott’s restaurant could equally have been Nigella grasping my neck to hold my attention — as indeed she has done in the past, although not in front of Scott’s with a photographer snapping away.

“I must stress again my actions were not violent. We are instinctively tactile people. Yes, my hands were around her neck, and they had been touching her arm. Difficult as it may be to believe, for those who have seen the pictures, there was no pressure applied to her.

“In fact it was merely a gesture — one to which a still photograph gives a wholly different and incorrect implication.

“Nigella has given a statement to the police to support this view.

“I am sorry we had a row. I am sorry she was upset. I am even more sorry that this is the end of our marrige.

“I wish Nigella only the best for her future, and for her continuing global success.

“She remains the most wonderful woman in the world. I feel very fortunate to have had such a lovely wife for many years.”

– Charles Saatchi

This entire statement is about Saatchi establishing his power and control which is very common for abusive spouses. Lawson should have been the one to divorce him, yet he has taken that away from her. If his statements were true regarding the misunderstanding with his hands around her neck, then maybe Lawson would have issued a statement. I think that because she wasn’t willing to defend him that might show her power over the situation. She is no longer condoning his behavior and her silence to the media suggests that.  I don’t know about you, but after being publicly humiliated maybe there isn’t much to say.

It is extremely unfortunate that Saatchi can’t take responsibility for his actions and own up to his part in this physical confrontation.  But like he said, maybe Lawson and him were drifting anyway and their relationship isn’t healthy for their children regardless.

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