Olivia Wilde Covers Nylon August 2011, Deigns To Sext Her “Love”
July 28, 2011 by Hollywoodite
Olivia Wilde covers the August issue of Nylon, because that magazine still exists even though every cover looks like it was shot on an Instamatic and print media has been choking to death since 2001. On the cover, Wilde wears denim-on-denim and plaid because she hates fashion as much as she hates dating, it would seem. The 26-year-old began divorce proceedings earlier this year. But, evidently, she doesn’t fully understand divorce either; she’s still friendly with her Italian prince ex-husband, with whom she was photographed hanging out recently.
Realising she’s going to have to start dating someone who isn’t her ex-husband, Wilde let it all out to the magazine. She’s basically never had to date as an adult. She married at 18-years-old to a dude around a decade her senior and she’s never been on a date where she was old enough to drown out the background noise with a beer. But she would deign to date a non-prince. So long as he doesn’t own a cell or have a Facebook.
“Dating is new to me.” She says it has especially hard in the modern world, where much communication is done via cell phones and email. “I see the whole thing like someone who’s been in a coma and I’ve come out like, ‘Wait, people text message? They text love? How do you text about love??” she said.
In the interview, Wilde also insists she has put on a few pounds since her marriage ended, saying her “fat jeans” are now not so loose any more. “I got a divorce and self medicated with food. But I figure that’s better than self-medicating with crack cocaine.” – via Daily Mail.
The list of guys with whom Wilde is alleged to have gone on dates is rather long: Justin Timberlake, Bradley Cooper, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Ryan Gosling. And that’s since her March split. It’s been basically everyone who’s within arms’ reach and around her age. She seems happy dating. Not happy enough to stay off Twitter and to not b**ch-out Page Six every time they blow her cover on one of these “secret” dates.