Paris Hilton Still Touchy About Fame: Australian Interview Goes Wrong

April 2, 2012 by Hollywoodite

At this point, Paris Hilton should just be glad anyone wants to interview her at all. Considering that she’s ageing in close-up and her party lifestyle/ persona is becoming rather tragic.

Hilton long lost the “Why is she famous again?” crown the Kardashians. Hilton’s latest reality show, The World According To Paris, was cancelled after one season due to poor viewing numbers. She’s not really… semi-interesting or tangentially-relevant anymore. She’s shilling her scents, shoes, bags and weird music career with that sing-talk Drunk Text music video. But she’s phoning it in, after 10-years or so of fame based on her s3x tape.

But she’s still making a living opening clubs, and that’s what she was doing in Australia last week. To the amusement of Channel 7, who sent co-host Edwina Bartholmew to interview the 31-year-old. It’s awkward. Bartholmew is fantastic, enormously entertaining. But Hilton is stiff and bored-looking.

The intro to the interview establishes a sort-of feud between Sunrise and Hilton’s PR. At the start of the video, Bartholmew says Hilton’s PR team took umbrage with a question about losing her fame. And it’s clear from the video that Hilton and her team were pissy about what questions could be asked.

Bartholmew asked, politely, ”What about when you’re not famous anymore, what are you going to do?” Hilton smiled, and answered, but then her PR relayed that Hilton was unhappy with the question demanding it be pulled from the piece. Then the PR team tried to blackmail Sunrise saying, were the interview to air in full, the show would be banned from asking questions on that night’s club opening red carpet. Sunrise aired it anyway, and were “banned” from ever interviewing Hilton again. Except, perhaps Hilton’s less pissy than her handlers because she personally lifted the ban a few hours later.

Bartholmew tweeted after the interview: “Bizarro world. @ParisHilton just emailed me to say she wasn’t offended and she thought the @sunriseon7 I/v went well. PR overreacted… For those who give two hoots, yes, Paris did (re)invite me tonight. No, I won’t be going. Off on a road trip to a mate’s wedding in Cooma!”

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