PETA Targets Kim Kardashian: She Knows They Are Skinned Alive
January 4, 2012 by Hollywoodite
PETA took out a billboard to target Kim Kardashian who one supposes wants to be red-painted in the near future. Determined to embarrass or pressure the 31-year-old into complying, because we all know that being passive-aggressively threatened is a great way to control adult behaviour, the animal charity has used its rather questionable tactics to criticise Kardashian for wearing fur.
Admittedly, she is a fur wearer; if memory serves, she wears fur around town, especially when she’s in New York City, and she’s been advocating fur on her reality shows.
PETA already named Kardashian the worst-dressed person of 2010 and now they’ve taken out a billboard with a years’ old photo and the slogan: “Kim These babies miss their mother. Is she on your back.”
The charity’s Senior Vice President Lisa Lange said in a statement: “Kim knows that animals on fur farms are beaten, electrocuted, and often skinned alive. We’ve explained it to her, and she’s watched a video expose that was filmed inside fur farms. When Kim is ready to put an end to her relationship with fur, PETA will be happy to take her discards and donate them to the homeless.”
…because it’s better that the homeless are wearing furs? Would the goal not be to remove them from circulation rather than passing them on to third-parties? Even in the interest of keeping people warm, ugh, what a backward goal.
In 2008, Khloe Kardashian posed naked for an anti-fur campaign that apparently went over her sister’s head.