Let’s Also Pretend That Reggie Bush Is Texting, Begging Kim Kardashian For Another Chance

August 11, 2011 by Hollywoodite

This is fairly-obviously not true. But it is amusing. And it’s the good kind of supposition; harmless, stupid, pointless, not from concentrate. This week’s tabloids claim that Kris Humphries has cold feet before the August 20 wedding and that Kim Kardashian may reconcile with ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush.

Bush is not single, incidentally. He’s dating a Kardashian lookalike who was used as the budget version in a commercial that pretended to be affiliated with the family. And Kardashian’s engaged and days away from her second wedding (yes, she glazes over this/ pretends it didn’t happen but this is the second sucker in 30 years she’s gotten to marry her).

Because it would be a shame if her second wedding with her second husband didn’t go ahead, InTouch/ Life & Style are really pulling out the stops to convince people this isn’t happening. Realising that the wedding isn’t so special when your porn star wife did this already, Humpries took to Twitter. “Time is moving fast,” he wrote yesterday. InTouch’s sources claim the pressure’s getting to him.

“[Kris Jenner is] a stage mother with a type-A personality. She controls her daughters’ lives, and already she’s trying to control Kris’ as well. [Jenner] turned into the mother-in-law from hell as soon as Kris proposed.”  The source claims that Kim’s mom even told Kris, “Kim isn’t becoming a Humphries. You’re becoming a Kardashian. Deal with it!” – via InTouch, HollywoodLife.

Life & Style joins in with its own claims of sabotage by Bush.

“He’s been sending text messages to Kim and leaving her voice mails, telling her she’s making a mistake and that he’s the one for her,” an insider reveals to Life & Style. “In the past, Kim was friendly to Reggie but now she’s stopped responding.”

As recent as Aug. 4, Kim got a call from a friend relaying a message from Reggie–while she was at Vera Wang’s NYC studio for a dress fitting! “It was a friend telling Kim that her ex Reggie Bush needed to talk to her,” reveals a source close to Kim about the call. “He was begging her to call off the wedding — and give him another chance.”

Reggie’s been texting Kim using a special nickname they’ve always kept as a secret between the two of them. “She used to love that nickname,” Kim’s pal reveals, “but now that he’s using it when she’s about to get married to someone else, it’s just annoying to her.” The pal adds, “She was burned by the end of their relationship, and she’s truly moved on.” – via Life & Style.

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