REPORT Amber Portwood prison release filmed for MTV special; Brother responds to release
Former Teen Mom Amber Portwood, 24, was released from Indiana’s Rockville Correctional Facility yesterday, Chief Communications Officer of the Indiana Department of Correction, Douglas S. Garrison confirmed to the media.
Amber had asked to be sent to prison instead of rehab for probation violation on a drug charge. She served 17 months of five years for good behaviour and compliance. She’s currently on probation, has to submit to random drug tests and find employment. “Amber will be subject to random drug tests, and she is not allowed to live with felons,” Garrison explained.
“Amber will have to report to a parole officer,” Garrison told In Touch Weekly. “The parole officer will make sure she finds employment, that she is living in an appropriate situation and that she is staying clean. Amber will have to check in a couple of times a month with her parole officer. If she violates anything, she could go back to jail.”
In the photo and video of her release, in addition to paparazzi, Amber can be seen getting mic-ed. The Ashley confirms it’s MTV cameras. The crew is currently in Indiana to film a special episode about Amber’s release, including new footage of Gary Shirley and Leah. The crew also paid for Amber’s father, Shawn Sr., to fly from Florida to Indiana to see his daughter (on-camera).
Her brother, Shawn Jr., posted a message about her release on Amber’s Facebook fan page: “Amber is doing well and thanks everyone for the well wishes that she has received. We had a long day today but we are happy she is finally out. – Shawn”