REPORT Is Porsha Stewart days away from being fired from RHOA?
Real Housewives of Atlanta reality star Porsha Stewart is officially divorced from ex-husband Kordell Stewart. Although, because of when it was filmed, her current story lines on the RHOA revolve around the separation and what went wrong in their marriage. According to Porsha, Kordell is closeted gay and he’s not really attracted to her nor any woman. However, Kordell, who is no longer on the show (unless he suddenly trades women as did Slade Smiley), denies this. Moreover, at the close of the divorce, Kordell shamed his ex-wife for what he appeared to see as defamation.
And now, despite the hopes of Wendy Williams and other onlookers that Porsha would learn and grow into a better woman from the divorce, she seems to have fallen flat with the other women and with viewers. Whereas, previously, being in a controlling relationship had made her sympathetic, now she is in limbo at her mother’s house; not dating, not moving forward, not really doing anything but being supplemental.
As such, according to a new report, she is about to be fired from the show. just got wind from our TOP BRAVO insider who tells us that Atlanta Housewife PORSHA will be LET GO after this season ends. We’re told the reason she will be asked to leave is, “she’s a mix of boring and annoying, neither is good for TV.”
We’re told that at least ONE other housewife will LIKELY be asked to leave before the season’s out.
Expect an announcement as soon as THE END OF THE WEEK. Sorry Porsha… – via MediaTakeOut.