REPORT Kim Kardashian’s BFF Jonathan Cheban Angry Over “Godfather Snub”

September 17, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Jonathan Cheban only makes an appearance on Keeping up with the Kardashians once or twice per season. During which time he’s often chided as being a desperate hanger-on who needs Kim Kardashian to bolster his own PR career.

He’s been involved in a few storylines; for example, there was a fabricated storyline about Kim learning of his book deal and assuming it was an unauthorised autobiography about her (the family learn fake life lessons at the end of every episode: this one being “don’t jump to conclusions” which apparently Kim needed to learn in her 30s).

And the last time we heard from Jonathan, he was being mugged after giving away his location and the value of his expensive watch on Instagram.

Today, there’s a new report about why Kim and Jonathan haven’t been seen together much recently. Jonathan’s supposed butt-kissing didn’t work and he’s not been very involved with baby North; moreover, sources claim, he wasn’t asked to be the baby’s godfather. Which he allegedly expected because he’s been in Kim’s life for years despite not being family.

Kim Kardashian and her longtime best friend Jonathan Cheban “have had a falling out,” and we’ve got the details of the rift for you right here on

Cheban “is p***ed that he hasn’t been named the godfather of her daughter North yet,” a source says. “He feels he is her closest friend and is the right choice to be godfather.”

Cheban, who’s always been publicly outspoken in support of his socialite confidante, “doesn’t know why she and Kanye are waiting so long to announce who the Godfather is,” a source said.

Heightening the tension, sources say, is that “as time goes on, he is getting more annoyed at the prospect that he might not be their choice.”

A source said that “Kim and Jonathan are barely seeing each other” these days, as “Jonathan has been filming another show in Europe for part of the summer.” – via Radar Online.

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