REPORT Lamar Odom Has $800 Per Day Drug Habit, He’s Gone Missing Again

September 6, 2013 by Hollywoodite

There is SO much conflicting information being leaked about Lamar Odom.

If he’s correct, and Kris Jenner is the one leaking things to TMZ, Kris is also the one who is disputing PEOPLE’s exclusive about Lamar going into rehab on Wednesday and checking out Thursday. PEOPLE insists its sources are right, although TMZ insists Lamar was never at rehab. But then, these same sources cannot even get straight what drugs he’s supposedly doing right now. Us Weekly says cocaine, TMZ says crack, PEOPLE suggests its drugs and alcohol, and Radar says it’s Oxy and Ambien (and now crack too).

If it’s Kris who’s responsible for leaking any of this, to shame Lamar for doing drugs and cheating on Khloe Kardashian, she needs to pick one narrative and one outlet and stick to it. Because this is getting ridiculous.

TMZ adds, today, Lamar has an $800 per day habit. Other outlets, by contrast, say it’s more like $20/30K per year… so who even knows.

Lamar Odom fell deep into the world of hardcore drugs during a wild summer in Hollywood … where he spent as much as $1,000 in a single day to fuel his growing addiction to crack — according to sources familiar with the situation.

TMZ broke the story Lamar was hooked on crack — but now we’ve learned just how bad it got in the last few months.

We’re told Lamar’s habit picked up speed when he moved out of his home with Khloe Kardashian, and into Hollywood’s Roosevelt Hotel with a friend in late May … after the NBA season ended.

We’re told the hotel room was used like a flop house … where Lamar was surrounded by his pal and 7 or 8 other drug abusers — strangers — who came in and out of the room throughout the day and night … for several months straight.

According to sources, Odom was dropping — on average — $800 per day, but sometimes more, for multiple drugs, including crack.

By the way, if $800 worth of crack sounds like a huge amount of drugs for one person … it is. But we’re told Lamar sometimes shared his huge score. Plus, drug dealers often charge rich customers premium prices. – via TMZ.

Radar has more information, claiming Lamar is surrounded by enablers, is isolated from his family, and he’s currently trying to binge himself to death. “He’s headed for destruction,” says a source. “He’s smoking crack now.”

“His friends knew that he liked to freebase cocaine, but they were shocked to see him with crack. They found more than 60 grams of crack in his possession and he had no intentions of stopping,” adds the source.

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