REPORT Lamar Odom’s Addiction Got So Bad His Crack Dealer Cut Him Off

September 9, 2013 by Hollywoodite

If this sounds familiar, it’s because RadarOnline previously reported similar about Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan whose dealers cut them off from the substances they were taking because the dealers did not want to be responsible for their deaths.

Those reports were met with mixed reactions because of the hit-and-miss veracity of RadarOnline reports. However, this latest information isn’t from Radar. It’s from TMZ (who are, basically, copy and pasting information from Kris Jenner at this point).

Previously, TMZ reported that Lamar had an $800-1,000 per day drug habit right before he went missing for the second time in a week. Since then, the website has reported that Lamar is doing so many drugs his own dealer has cut him off. Again, though, not even the first time this has happened with a celebrity.

Lamar Odom’s crack cocaine addiction had reached such dangerous levels … even his dealer thought the NBA star had gone over the edge, and cut off his supply last week, TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to the dealer tell us, the crack slinger had delivered the drug to Lamar all summer, but last week, Lamar was insatiable … calling incessantly and demanding more and more crack. His go-to dealer apparently got scared enough to cut Lamar off.

No surprise … the dealer wasn’t really concerned about Lamar’s welfare. He was worried about his own ass — scared Lamar could die and authorities would come down on him.

Obviously, this doesn’t mean Lamar stopped using crack … we’re told he hasn’t. It just means he went on the hunt for a new supplier. – via TMZ.

This is probably the same dealer who ran to Radar a few days ago making similar claims. So make of this information what you will.

In related news, the Kardashians are reportedly pressuring Khloe to leave him (with Kris Jenner meeting a lawyer and passive-aggressively pressuring Khloe to visit too because “why not/ just in case.”)

A source adds, “Khloe’s not f***ing around with him anymore. She’s tired and fed up with the games and wants Lamar to get better so they continue on with their lives and get back to being happy. Her decisions are purely for Lamar’s benefit, not hers. Lamar is not realizing his behavior is not only f***ing his life up but it’s also affecting everyone around him.”

The source continues, “He’s hurting and embarrassed, but so what, he needs to man up and handle this and do what Khloe says. No one else is in his corner and putting up with this harder than his wife. He hasn’t made any promises to her because he’s scared and he doesn’t want to f**k up yet again.”

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