Report: Does Scientology Want Robert Pattinson To Replace Tom Cruise?

August 3, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Reports have been floating around this week about what will become of Robert Pattinson in the wake of the cheating scandal.

He disappeared off the map, momentarily, only for his rep (and Summit) to confirm Pattinson will resume promotional duties in a few weeks. He’s obliged to be paraded around in front of live cameras where he cannot escape further humiliation of being asked about being cheated on by Kristen Stewart. But he’s going to be professional and just deal with it. Which is a pretty strong foot to put forward. Add to that, he seems to be moving past it, although reticent to forgive, since he and Stewart are speaking again.

Except The National Enquirer takes the position that Pattinson is weak enough, vulnerable enough, and ripe for the converting that Scientology wants to recruit the 26-year-old. Specifically, the church reportedly wants Pattinson as its figurehead, replacing Tom Cruise who is an “embarrassment” for being bested by Katie Holmes in the divorce. Moreover, Cruise is still in contact with his defector wife (indirectly) and daughter (directly) despite church doctrine demanding he “disconnect” and never speak to them again.

Enquirer says Kirstie Alley has been tasked with luring Pattinson into the fold out of desperation for a younger and more relatable face. And once you are on the churches wish list, one gathers, you’re never off it.

The Church of Scientology has set its sights on Robert Pattinson to take over the role as the organizations’s top celebrity after Tom Cruise’s quickie divorce from Katie Holmes caused major embarrassment for the controversial religion, say sources.

And insiders believe that Kirstie Alley, a neighbor and friend of Pattinson, is spearheading the efforts to lure him into the fold, after an SUV registered to Alley was spotted leaving his property. As eyewitness told The Enquirer that a white Lexus Hybrid SUV belonging to Kirstie entered Pattinson’s property on July 25; the same day he reportedly broke up with Kristen Stewart after she was caught cheating with Rupert Sanders. When the Lexus left at 4:30 pm, the vehicle went directly to Scientology’s Celebrity Center in Hollywood.

“My first thought was that it was really unusual,” the eyewitness noted. “I didn’t get a good look at the driver except that I noticed that the person had a lot of hair, so [the person] was probably [a woman].”

“The Church of Scientology would love to have Rob in the fold,” says Amy Scobee, formerly a high-ranking Scientologist, “He’s the ideal candidate for Scientology. The Church believes that everyone has a situation they can help them with, and they prey on people in their weak moments. Since he’s going through a bad breakup, it would be perfect timing for them to step in and ‘help’. And if Kirstie’s a friend and neighbor, he might listen to her.” – via National Enquirer.

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