Robert Pattinson’s Side Of The Story; Reactions To Kristen Stewart Cheating

August 1, 2012 by Hollywoodite

Life & Style Magazine must have run out of Kardashians because they, too, are covering Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson. Its story isn’t out, yet. But there’s a cover preview. The cover says: “Rob’s Side Of The Story. I’m Done. A destroyed Rob tells a cheating Kristen: You broke my heart. He was planning to propose. More devastating photos surface. How the scandal is affecting Twilight.” Life & Style is trailing by a week because they have no exclusive information. So, make of the cover what you will and it’s included below.

In other news, there have been some amusing reactions from celebrities about the scandal.

* Brandi Glanville, who was famously cheated on by actor ex-husband Eddie Cibrian, tweeted this: “I’m not happy with this K stew BS. 2 close to home. Same story, friends with the wife and kids & f*** the husband when we think no one is looking… my last quote of the day on this subject- Home-wreckers come in pairs #ittakes2.”

* Model and reality star Adrianne Curry also tweeted a reaction: “Kristen Stewart cheated on her man. Wow. Take away her money, and she might have thought that one through a lil more #wayhotterthanyou.”

* Kathy Griffin tweeted: “Oh Kristin Stew, have u learned nothing from men in Hwood ?? Lie & make the GUY feel crazy! #schwarzenegger.”

* Joan Rivers tweeted a reaction: “Now that Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson have split, the new Twilight sequel should be renamed Breaking Up.”

* Will Ferrall joked with USA Today: “Do you realize what’s going on? K-Stew cheated on him! And he moved out! It’s over! I love how much attention that’s getting. I’m going with ‘Trampire’ right now. I don’t care what’s going on in Syria. This is what we need to talk about!”

* Lady Gaga tweeted a reaction: “Geez this kirstew rob stuff is brutal. Makes me sad the way press acts…. Hope they’re ok.”

* The most protracted reaction (a whole week’s worth of messages) came from Stewart’s close friend, the director with whom she worked on Welcome to the Riley’s, Giovanni Agnelli. He wrote the following, then he re-tweeted a Tumblr posting photos of fans hiding copies of Us Weekly around their local grocery stores: “I’ll say right now what the manipulative media isn’t saying… Kristen Stewart did not have any type of sex with Rupert Sanders,” tweeted Agnelli.

He continued: “Forgiveness is the answer to the child’s dream of a miracle by which what is broken is made whole again, what is soiled is made clean again… Dear tabloid media: shut the f**k up. There are real people in real pain behind your ratings and sales… If you’ve ever used the word Trampire you’re a mindless pathetic piece of s**t… Before tweeting me your hatred, know that she’s like my little sister. I love her and will always defend her. Don’t like it? Too f**king bad… Sorry about the rant. Just caught some really disgusting tabloid TV when I got home. Good night… Real friends never stop… The truth is not what the tabloid media is pushing, but the truth seldom sells magazines… If one of your friends in real life was hurting, and lots of people were being cruel. Wouldn’t you ask them to please stop? Honestly?… You are completely entitled to your feelings and beliefs. But to resort to tearing people to pieces is so savage. Don’t lose your humanity… Hate hurts the hater more than the hated. Nothing is sadder than a damaged soul covered with the scars of hatred… hope nobody thinks s**t for brains gossip sites like @HollywoodLife are real! They puke lies, lick them up, and puke them out again… the spin that keeps growing on this story is staggering. There was NO on set affair. Stop printing LIES.”


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