Us Weekly Ends Ryan Reynolds & Charlize Theron Relationship Over Their One-Year Age Gap

August 4, 2011 by Hollywoodite

Us Weekly’s ridiculous sources have decided that the relationship between Ryan Reynolds and Charlize Theron is over. Which is a feat, considering Us never produced any proof that it ever took place. Their oft-wrong sources supposed a “two-month exclusive relationship” that’s now been demoted to a “Summer fling.” But now the non-relationship is over. Because Us Weekly needs them each free to pair off with other people.

It was reported that Reynolds and Theron had been dating exclusively for months. With no photos or anything else tying them together. Yeah, Us is just lying full-out at this point. It never happened, and if it did it probably wasn’t this big a deal. Perhaps sources changed their minds because in the week of The Change-Up premiere, it behooves them to pair off Reynolds and Sandra Bullock?

Whatever, the magazine reports its sources know of the supposed split and why it happened: Theron was being a harridan and trying to badger poor Reynolds into having a baby, since she’s desperate and her clock’s ticking… being that she’s all of one damn year older than he.

A source says the newly divorced Ryan Reynolds ended his brief summer fling with Charlize Theron, 36, in late July [after two months] because he “only wanted something casual, but she’s in a rush to settle down, have kids and start a family since she’s getting older. Charlize didn’t take it very well when he broke it off. She knows deep down that it wouldn’t have worked, but she is pretty bummed about it all.”

No wonder: The relationship seemed so promising for the private pair, who kept their relationship very quiet, says an insider. In fact, the couple weren’t even on anyone’s radar until Reynolds was spotted emerging from the Oscar winner’s Malibu home June 5. “They just dated, mostly long-distance,” says a friend of the twosome, set up by mutual pals. (Theron’s nine-year relationship with actor Stuart Townsend, 38, ended last year.)

The former neighbors, who had known each other for several years, quickly discovered they had a spark: After a covert dinner date at Gjelina in Los Angeles July 13 (”He came in before her and sat down, then she snuck in,” says a fellow diner), they were spotted making out in a nearby parking lot. But Theron’s family focus, compounded with conflicting schedules, forced Ryan to end it. “They’re both too busy,” says another pal of Theron… “And they were hardly ever together anyway.” – via Us Weekly, Celebitchy.

Theron is actually 35, her 36th birthday’s not until August 7. Reynolds is 34; turning 35 October 23. But she’s the one “getting older,” while he’s a playboy man-child who still needs to sow his wild oats… Ugh.


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