Salwa Amin Interview From Jail: “I Was An Addict… I Was Using During Buckwild”

April 13, 2013 by Hollywoodite

Back in February, former Buckwild cast member Salwa Amin was arrested for drug possession with intent to deliver after an informant told police about an alleged drug drop-off with Amin and two friends. Police exercised their warrants on the property and found a large amount of cash and drugs in the trio’s possession. Amin was later released on reduced bond, only to be re-arrested late March for a failed drug test. Which means, in addition to an admitted drug problem, she was in jail when news broke that cast member Shain Gandee was found dead and when the show was cancelled altogether a week later.

The interview with 13 News is pretty long at nearly 17-minutes, so the video is below along with some highlights. In short, she admits she was an addict and using through Buckwild season one and she needs help.

So, how are things?

Things are… not good. But I’m an optimistic person. Obviously, when I first got here, the first thing I was trying to do was get out. But now when I’ve been here for close to three weeks now, I’m just being optimistic about the situation and my first objective is my recovery and sobriety and I can maintain that here. So, you know, things are going okay.

Are you an addict?

Um… I was an addict, and yeah I’m a recovering addict. [I was using] opiates… Honestly, I think most people get involved in it the same way, and obviously it’s such a bad epidemic that’s spreading through the nation, like, one of the Jersey Shore cast members he recently came out with his opiate addiction and I just think it’s a really bad epidemic… I really think it’s a disease. I got into it because everybody around me was doing it.

When you were filming the first season of Buckwild were you using then?

Yes, I was using then… Yeah [I was high and under the influence on screen]. I think the people that know me and even the people that don’t know me could tell that I was under the influence… I’m not gonna disclose [whether I got high with other cast members]… I think yeah, being on camera, my addiction definitely increased, you know, with the show and the fame.  And that’s something that I have to control if I am going to do future seasons or if the show is going to continue that’s something I’m trying to terminate right now so that I can be ready and sober.

When you heard about Shain, his death, where were you?

I was in jail, and it just drove me crazy that I couldn’t give my condolences to Loretta and Dale which are his parents and attend the funeral. I really tried my best to be there and pay my respects, because, you know, he was an awesome person.

Were you told about the death by MTV, were you contacted?

I was not contacted [by MTV about Shain]… I’ve been in contact with MTV after I got out of jail, the first time, they were not happy but they were surprisingly sympathetic to my problem that I had… while I was out on bail, we were proceeding with the show [with me in it]. But… you know. I didn’t get a chance to film before I got back in here. But, yeah, were were going to talk about the arrest and, you know, my problem.

How did you find out the show was being put on hold?

From the news, from my parents… I think it’s really noble of the network, because the show has really high ratings and they chose respect over money and I think it’s noble of them to put it on hold for now. I think it’s the best decision considering the unfortunate events that’s happened to the cast members on the show.

Assuming that MTV is done, done with Buckwild, what do you do when you get out?

Actually, I have other goals, like, I graduated college with my accounting degree. Currently, I’m studying for my CPA (Certified Public Accountant) so while I’m here I make the best of it and I’m trying to hopefully be ready to sit for my CPA exam as soon as I get out of here.

A lot of the cast members are campaigning to keep the show, in some form, what would you say to those cast members?

I think, right now, it’s disrespectful of them if they want to continue, if they want to just start back on air, right this very moment, I think there should be a respectful grieving process for the main character of the show. I don’t see how they’re trying to campaign for the show immediately after one of our main cast members is dead… I understand where they’re coming from, because I’m a big fan of the show. I want the show to continue, and I hope they do continue it, so I understand where they’re coming from. But I think it’s just too soon to start filming again.

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