VIDEO Salwa Amin Confessed To Fans Before Turning Herself In To Police For the Second Time

Earlier in the month, former Buckwild cast member Salwa Amin recorded an interview from jail admitting she was a drug addict who used all through the first season of the show. It was a very illuminating interview (it’s also weeks old, but only appears to be gaining traction on other sites now). She admitted to an opiate addiction and called her former cast mates “disrespectful” for the perceived cash grab of wanting to continue in the wake of Shain Gandee’s death.

It turns out she confessed her sins, as it were, before even going to jail too.

In another video, this time posted to her official website, Amin confesses to fans before turning herself in for failing her drug test. In the four-minute video, Amin tells fans “I’m with my dad right now,” whom she tells to SHHH! “I’m on the way to meet my probation officer,” she continues. “And… basically, turning myself in for failing my drug test while I was out on bond.”

She goes on, “I’m going to jail today, and we’ll see what happens after that. But, I just want to let you guys know that this has been a big problem for a couple years in my life. I’ve been addicted to opiates for a couple years and it’s lead me to this point where I’m at right now.” She then reaches out to fans telling them, if they’ve got addictions too, to get help.

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