Is Sam The Cat With Eyebrows On Instagram Better Than Tardar Sauce The Grumpy Cat?

January 30, 2013 by Hollywoodite

At the end of last year, a user shared photos of a cat that went by the name “Tard” which the user openly admitted was shorthand ableism for **tard. People at the time dismissed the photos as Photoshop, leading the user to post video of the same cat and its grumpy face that, in a subsequent video in voice over, the owner’s daughter said looked “like other cats.” The cat went on a press tour and ended up with her own website, merchandise, and memes. Here she is.

And now another cat is going viral in the same manner, with a user sharing photos of someone else’s cat whom he follows on Instagram along with 6,500 people (up from about 2,500 on Monday before the photos were shared on Reddit and

Under the account name Sam Has Eyebrows, there’s a new photo every day of Sam the cat. Including close-ups of the cat’s fur so you can get a better look at the “eyebrows.”

Included below are some of Sam’s photos, where he mostly looks worried and alarmed, which includes a January 29 photo captioned “Yep, Sam, you almost famous. And it’s thanks to [user] for bringing his handsome face to the attention of the world (which apparently is Reddit). Also thank you to all the followers new and old for checking him out. Pretty gnarly, huh?”

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